... You knwo who just walked in and she didn't come alone...

MySpace is too confusing.
I can't use it.
I need Djayy so I can annoy her with lots of questions.
And then I need to put the answers into action.
Me, Shi-Chan, Kaede-Chan and Laura are all going into Ipwsich in the half term. That should be great :D
I am shocked. I actually like some Miley Cyrus songs.
I have got a song of the week thing in meh Intro.
And the song of the week is...
Miley Cyrus~See you again~♪
I chose this because me and my sister were butt dancing (Where you shake your butt) in the kitchen to this song.
It was hilarious. xD
We were making dinner and nearly forgot about the pizza
Now THAT wasn't hilarious.
But we saved it ^^
I might enter a Valentines Day Quiz tomorrow.
But I doubt it,
And I am gonna check my locker for any Valentines Day cards, even though I doubt I will get any. I shall check anyway.
I thought I would hate Valentines Day.
But I think I might like it,
I am being optimistic :D
I wonder if I will get a card,
Hope so :3
