... I've become so numb, I can't feel you there...

Song that always makes you sad : Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (I dunno why I listen to it so often)
Last thing you bought : Naruto Volume 5.
Last person you argued with : Laura, I think.
Do you put butter before putting the jelly on : I take it by jelly, you mean jam? And no I don't.
One of your nicknames as a kid : ... I have never had one D:
Did you ever own at one time a Nsync Cd : Nope :D
Favorite day of the week : Friday
Favorite Sundae topping : Strawberry Ice Cream Sauce
Did you take Piano lessons : I wish.
Most frequent song played : Numb - Linkin Park or Thunder - Boys Like Girls
TV show you secretly enjoy : Hollyoaks ._.
Would you rather play basketball or hockey : Basketball, I hate hockey D:
Date someone older or younger : Older
One place you could travel right now : America
Do you use umbrellas : Nope, walking in the rain makes me feel better.
Do you know all the words to your national anthem : Some of them but not all.
Favorite Cheese : Mozzerella
Disturbed or My Chemical Romance : My Chemical Romance, I haven't heard of Disturbed.
Blondes or Brunettes : I dunno "/
Best job you ever had : Haven't had a job :D
Did you go to your high school prom : Hasn't happened yet.
Perfect time to wake up : Late
Perfect time to go to bed : Late xD
Do you use your queen right away in chess : You can't you have to use the pawn first ._. But I hardly ever play chess anywayz
Ever been in a car accident : Nope
Closer to mom or dad...or neither : Mum
What do you call your sweetheart lovingly : By her name. xD
What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager : 1990s
Favorite shoes you have EVER owned : OHGAWD. This one is easy, my current converses.
Do you have an article of clothing from your childhood : I am still in my childhood, kinda.
Were you in track and field : Err... Nahh.
Were you ever in a school talent show : Nope xD
Have you ever written in a library book : Nahh...
Allergic to : Nothing
Favorite fruit : Raspberries ftw :D
Have you watched sex and the city : I began watching the movie with my sister but got bored and walked out xD
Baseball hat or toque : I'll have to go with baseball cap coz I dunno what a toque is.
Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap : Shampoo.
Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste : Dry Brush with toothpaste
Pen or pencil : Pencil, better for drawing with xD
Have you ever gambled at a casino : Nope, too young.
Have you thrown up on a plane : Nada.
Have you thrown up in a car : Yep.
Have you thrown up at work : I don't work.
Do you scream on roller coasters : Yeahhhh
Who was your first prom date : I haven't been to prom.
Who was your first roommate : Don't have one.
What alcoholic beverage did you drink for the first time : Snowball. (Not snow but an alcohol thing with ice cream in it :D )
What was your first job : I swear you have already asked this. I haven't got a job.
What was your first car : Too young D:
When did you first go to a funeral : Haven't been to one yet.
How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown : 3.
Who was your first grade teacher : If you mean year one, Mrs Washbrooke, I think.
When did you sneak out of your house for the first time : I can't remember.
Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them : Will J and kinda.
Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent : I haven't moved yet.
Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day : No-one, I usually keep it to myself.
Whose wedding were you in, the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsman : Haven't been one yet.
What is the first thing you do in the morning : Moan about it being to early.
What was the first concert you attended : I haven't been to any D':
First tattoo or piercing : Haven't had any.
Where did you go on your first airplane ride : Ibiza. I think.
First celebrity crush : I dunnoooo...

I tag SecretMusic. :D

I went to judo and worked too hard and now my abs hurt. So much for too much work didn't hurt anyone.

