... So I was dead wrong all along, said it for my sake, you thought I'd lost my way...

Me and my friend Will went into Ipswich today
I bought 2 mangas (Naruto 36&37)
Even though I still need Naruto 34&35.
And we both bought foam pirate swords xD
We got back and went to the park with our swords.
We played around in the playground and had fights with them
It was fun
Coz we got to run around screaming and shouting xD
And pretending to be pirates
And pirates own ninja ass
But thats kinda weird
My MSN name is
We have videos, but they are on my Cellular Deivce 8D
And I need to work ouit how to use my goddamn phone
Coz its a biatch Ho.
And never works xD
But here is a picture of me and some of my pirate sword xD

Smexy, ne? xD
I love my sword. :D

