...Ring-a-ring of roses, a pocket full of posies, Atichoo, Atichoo, We all fall down...

Today, I resorted to the dreaded nursery rhymes.
But thats only coz I am doing a title page for History
About the
Spooky xD
And that rhyme was based on it and its symptoms and its stuck in my head.
And its kinda freaky
Coz in my head its like a small girl singing it in like this eerie courtyard with all smoke and stuff.
But anyway
My ankle hurts
Because this really fat kid who is structured
at Judo
Wouldn't fall.
I kept on attacking with my foot,
But he wouldn't go down
So in the end my ankle decides to pack in.
And now it hurts.
After my first hour of Judo
I went home for an hour
And then had another hour of Judo.
All this excersice is getting too much for me.
On the second hour
It was painful
Coz this other dude was being really violent and he scraped some of the skin from the back of my neck.
And that totally fracking hurt too.
Also, that session was being lead by an old Olympic Bloke, or something.
And the warm up was like 40 minuites long.
So yeah
Today was painful.
The end.
