... Do you recall, the day we kissed, upon the coast, surrounded by the mist...

I got some new converses because
My friend used to have them,
But they were too small for him and he like NEVER wore them
So he gave them to me and said,
"It was you, or the charity shop."
I'll post a picture of them when I can be bothered. :D
We played cricket in the evening too.
And he beat me by like 1 point.
I also found out when I get my script for Romeo And Juliet.
The 23rd. Which is... A week and 4 days before my birthday I think. (4th May)
And its a month before my birthday today :D
I can't wait.
Sorry that I didn't post yesterday.
But something happened
And I knew I would only end up ranting, and I have done that a fair bit lately, so I don't wanna do it again.
My parents are getting annoyed at me.
I keep making holes in my desk with a pin.
And now it looks really weird.
But anyway.
I put my name on the waiting list for a paper round today
Because I need some money.
To fund my future
I told Will what I was trying to save up for and he thinks I'm cray-zee.
But I don't care :3
And my mum is getting me a massive cardboard box which I am going to sit in and draw on the walls when I have nothing to do xD
And I love MSN. :D
I need to go and memorize lines for some other plays that I am in.
Jack (:
