... My heroes had the heart to live the lives I wouldn't live...

Rarrrrrr :3
I was so hyper in town today
People kept on giving me weird looks
Because I was doing the "Dinosaur Walk" and the "Shrimp Backcrawl" down the road.
They were new things I came up with today :3
Me and Will went to the aprk and did like NOTHING for ages.
Then went into town and got strange looks off people.
And this old woman kept on glaring at me. I was like ¬_¬
Then we went to the grove and I got a big cut on my wrist and I think it might scar D:
We played in the playground that is meant for 6 year olds :3
We are so immature. xD
And I made a new friend on here today (I think)
She seems pretty cool ^-^
Hope to become better friends :D
I need to go to bed now.
Jack. (:
