Just a Quick Update

Hey all!
I’ve been super busy this last semester so I haven’t posted as much as I usually do!
And it doesn’t help I’ve been having wallpaper maker block… and writers block… just everything block… >.>

At any rate, other than that life’s been going great! One of my short stories won 3rd place in UC Berkeley’s Sudden Fiction Contest! And as such I have now been published! Woot! Finally writing crazy weird stories is proved to be at least likeably crazy! d^o^b The only sad thing is I can’t post that story here… but on the off chance you see a Berkeley Fiction Review (the one with a creepy broken doll face) lying around… look me up! Its called Doorway Monster and its only two pages so you can read it in store nice and quickly!
In addition to that, while it didn’t win, I did have an amv of mine play at a big con! It was exciting to see it on the big screen playing to hundreds! Next year I am going to go for the win! XD

Also, I am going to stay busy for a good chunk of the summer, as I’ll be taking a cinematography workshop for two weeks, (I get to use a RED cam!) and also trying to get some sort of job.

But don’t let this make you fear! I shall still be posting wallpapers as much as I can… I just need to shake this dang creative block…

Seriously, got a suggestion or request? I’ll take it!

