Just sharing a Sailor Moon fanart I did yesterday. It's been a while since I've drawn her AND I think this is the first time I actually drew her right...XD;

Usagi in her early days of being Sailor Moon
Usagi used to cry a lot when she first started fighting evil. OoO Not sure about the anime, but in the manga she stopped doing that as time went on. ^w^
Sailor Moon is the first anime/manga series I was a big fan of. It's also where part of my nickname was inspired comes from. ("tsuki" means moon)
My favorite Sailor senshi has got to be Sailor Venus though.
I read the Sailor V manga and I love her personality. I always find it funny how boy crazy she is despite the fact she knows she has a mission to do as a Sailor senshi. XD
Who is your favorite Sailor senshi? (to...anyone who sees this! XD )
To end this post, here's a Sailor Moon drawing by Kosuke Fujishima, creator of "Ah! My Goddess", another manga series I really enjoy. Bye!

I started school already, so the reason for the lack of updates on my worlds and submitting stuff is due to school/homework. ^.^;
Just wanted to say that somewhere, and I thought this world would be the best for it. ^w^ (considering I mainly have fanarts and two "fan"(?)-worlds. XD )
Anyway, on to manga talk!
The reason for the image of Rinne up there?...I don't know. I thought it was funny (it's from chapter 65). XD Rin-ne has been pretty interesting so far. ^w^ Everything about it though, compared to Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, and Inuyasha, seems calmer or relaxed. I mean...even when Rin-ne is happy, he still has that serious/bored(?) look on his face. XD Like in the picture above, it can be pretty funny.

Yay! First time drawing Rinne! XD
It's a pretty fun manga to read. :D New chapters come out every wednesday here (straight from Viz!). To read earlier chapters though, you'll have to buy the volumes or find it online. ^.^; (they used to have all old chapters on the same site, but take them off when they release the volume)

Wow...lot of R in this post's title...XD;
Anyway, since the beginning of this summer I've been reading Ranma 1/2 online and re-reading it too. In case that makes no sense, it's because I used to read the manga out of order. (my old high school's library had some volumes but jumped all over, ex. they had volume 1-4 but not 5-15, and had 16 but not 17-28 and so on)
So, I've read some chapters previously online or the actual volume (but like to read them again anyway) and some I've never read before. It's a bit confusing at times exactly where I am. (although myanimelist has solved most of that problem)

Akane (with her hair as it was at the beginning of the manga) and Shampoo
I'm actually happy that I never finished reading the whole manga. I love running into chapters I've never read before after re-reading something. :D It's a nice surprise. -no regrets!- I love the manga, though the random nudity from female!Ranma can get a bit creepy/annoying when it just pops out of nowhere. 
Still, very good manga to read or re-read. Some stories aren't multi-chapter ones (and some are, but aren't too long), so it's fun to read when you don't have anything else to do or during a break.

Ukyo (her hair might be off, I had no reference) and Akane w/P-Chan
Small Note: The four drawings above were drawn by me. The header image is the cover of the English third volume of the manga.
A manga I was checking out just now called "Samurai Darling". The story didn't really interest me overall (sorry! ^.^;; ), but there was a funny moment in it when the protagonist girl falls for a guy. Her friends actually SEE the flowers that appear as she falls in love with the guy. XD
(Read Right to Left! ^.^~ )

I just thought that was funny. Not to mention the girl was purposely using the "accidentally bump into the guy, our eyes meet, we fall in love" way of meeting the guy she likes.
Other than that, nothing much to say about the manga. I was just checking it out (thanks to random button on manga reader site again), and I don't plan to keep reading it. ^w^

Around 3 or 4 years ago, I stopped reading shoujo manga and learned about shounen manga. XD (went from Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura to Detective Conan and Fullmetal Alchemist) But since last year, I've started to use the "random manga" button on some manga reading sites. This is how I found this very cute...but weird/silly shoujo manga.
It's not very long, only one volume (3 chapters). When starting to read it, it looks like the typical girl who has a crush on the popular dreamy guy story, but don't let the beginning fool you. :D (because it fooled me and I'm glad I didn't give up on reading it)
It's a very silly manga, very cute, but it's not like anything I had ever read before. It made me laugh a few times which I love. :3 I don't want to get in trouble so no link to it here. However, the title of this post is the name of the manga, just Google it. XD The scans aren't the best, but don't let that stop you from reading it.
First post on this journal! (wonder if anyone will read this...XD )
Below I wrote about one of my favorite parts in the manga, don't read it unless you want the manga spoiled for you (though it might not make sense if you didn't read it). ^.^
One of my fav parts is when after Moriyami (the main guy of the manga) has left and Mizuno is looking for him at a autograph meeting of his fav show. She looks to the sky sadly and cries wishing she could see him again as the typical "he's going to show up at this point because she wants to see him" moment is about to happen. Suddenly, someone calls her from behind, she turns around to see--! A fat policeman. -DREAMS AND HOPES RUINED- It just made me laugh so much. XD; Sorry, it's just NOT what I was expecting.