Okay everyone...Tsumi is okay. But not entirely. She lost two friends today because she had to take a serious piss. And they wouldn't leave her alone, so she said she was getting pissed off. And they called her a bitch. And are mad at her now, all because she had to piss. So Tsumi is going to NOT watch her language for a moment and say...FUCK THEM! ahem...pardon that bit of language there...I apologize. I am on my "monthly bills", or shall I just say that "Aunt Flow" came to visit...so I'm EXTREMELY IRRITABLE. Anyway...I'm not going to kill myself, and that decision is final. I made a promise, and I'm going to keep it. So don't worry anymore, my friends. I shall be okay. Well, I hope all is well with the lot of you. Tsumi loves you all.
alright, but not quite...