- Created By Tsutsumi24
Not so random, but hey...
So, I recently bought a wig for halloween, but I love it so much that I pretty much wear it like my real hair right now. I miss having long hair, so...it's worth it. And this is what it looks like.
Not an lol, just part of a song by P!NK in french...
Part of 18 Wheeler. In French.
Hé, hé, quel est votre problème? Je vois que vous essayez de me blesser mauvais, ne sais pas ce que vous êtes contre. Peut-être que vous devriez revoir, trouver un autre plan, car tu sais que je ne suis pas ce genre de fille, ça se coucha et vous permettent de venir en premier. Vous pouvez me pousser hors de la fenêtre, je vais me relever. Vous pouvez exécuter sur moi avec vos 18 camions Wheeler, et je ne vais pas donner un baiser. Vous pouvez me pendre comme un esclave, je vais entrer dans la clandestinité. Vous pouvez exécuter sur moi avec vos 18 roues, mais vous ne pouvez pas me garder. Hey, Hey girl, êtes-vous prêt pour aujourd'hui? Vous avez votre bouclier et l'épée, parce que c'est le temps de jouer les jeux. Vous êtes belle, même si vous n'êtes pas sûr. Ne le laissez pas vous tirer par la jupe, vous allez vous faire vos sentiments mal! Vous pouvez me pousser hors de la fenêtre, je vais me relever. Vous pouvez exécuter sur moi avec vos 18 camions Wheeler, et je ne vais pas donner un baiser. Vous pouvez me pendre comme un esclave, je vais entrer dans la clandestinité. Vous pouvez exécuter sur moi avec vos 18 roues, mais vous ne pouvez pas me garder.
Not really a random thought...
I just wanna see if this works. if not...sad day. Oh well.
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Sleep Talking Funnies?
Okay, so, today, a little bit ago, my teacher decided to show us this news thing about a british man who talks in his sleep and says some really funny stuff. His wife pretty much video's it, makes blogs about it...they even have t-shirts being made about what he says. My favorite thing he said was, "Vampire penguins. Zombie guinea pigs. We're done for. Done for." and he also said something like, "Elephants in thongs are not something you see everyday. Enjoy it." Has anyone ever heard of that? I haven't, at least, until now. And honestly, it cracks me up! That is just too funny! It makes me wonder about some of the things I have said in my sleep before, because I have talked in my sleep before, and my mom would be laughing at me in the morning, for what reasons, I don't know, for she never told me what I said. She just told me I had talked in my sleep. Once, and I have to tell this story because I just remembered it...anyway, once, while I was still living in Florida, I was pretty much sleep walking to bed, because my aunt had been trying to lead me to my room so I could sleep in bed. It was a bunk bed, though, and I slept on the top bunk. So she thought I had followed her to the steps of the bunk bed...but instead, I had walked over to my dresser and tried to step up onto it. Which I continuously failed at. She had to lead me by my arm to the steps of the bunk bed, so that I WOULDN'T fail at climbing up into bed anymore. But yeah, that's...pretty much it, I think? Haha. Bye bye!!!
Yaoi and Yuri passion
Tsumi must share this. She now officially has a passion for yaoi and yuri. Especially Sukisho. She hasn't watched it yet, but they look so cute together! KYAAAAAAA! And I have been drawing yaoi and yuri lately. And lots of fanservice art. Hehe. So she just wanted to share that. haha. love love.