yes, this is supposed to be a site where my thoughts are random and funny, but NO! I have a rant!!! I'm still pissy and spiteful, and I have a problem with a certain computer program that people think is so wonderful cause it is easier than just USING YOUR ART SKILLS and colored pencils or crayons or markers, etc...! PHOTOSHOP! I don't mind using it to resize things, no, I have no problem with that. But if you're going to color something, do it with what you have around you, be it colored pencils or crayons or markers, etc..! Photoshop, to me, is a cheat, and makes people get lazy with their art, which is why I don't use computer programs to color my art! Sure, I need to work on my shading and all that, with special effects and stuff, but I don't need a stupid fing computer program for that!!!!!! I mean, seriously people!!! Use the old fashion way! Improve your hand at art, meaning not only drawing out the characters, but also coloring them with your own unique style of handing!!! I don't give two shts if people have some serious angry rant opinions that I'm ranting over a computer program, cause if you get upset at me for an opinion, you are obviously not worth my fing time and are a stupid a$$ with absolutely no life at all who wastes their time talking back to someone who has already stated their opinion, and need not hear how much you disagree!!! so just, if you read this, and you disagree, GO AWAY!!!! GRR!! PHOTOSHOP IS EVIL!
