LOLZ!!!! OK, so you remember IT? The 7-eleven cashier that looks completely like a boy but we thought it was a gril? Well, IT really is a girl! I over heard some people talking in my geometry CP class and they were like " Hey, you know that lady at 7-eleven that looks like a man?" lol and then they went on aobut wanting to asking IT it's name and that IT should really wear a name tag XXDDDDDD I thought it was the funniest thing so I've gotta tell bleach freak about this soon XD or she might read the post before I get to tell her XD

Ok well, I'm gonna post tomorrow on some other stuff but I just had to post this peice of info RIGHT NOW!! XD

OH and today was club day and I sketched 9 pages of my Naruto manga!! NINE!!!!!!!! So I'll be photoshopping them tonight probobly!

