Everything that has ever happened either in my life or on the chat, and belive me theres alot I shall note down to you all. Think of it as a personal checklist of my list so I can right down all my memories to give you an insight into my crazy deluded past...

Where it all started...

As you may know I am very interested in pokemon and have a very keen memory of all 493 of them. Sure I have my favourites' such as Delibird, Politoed and Magmortar; but to me every single one of the little monsters are unique and that's what got m...

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Close all windows!

I am telling the world to close all windows if spinning around in circles-
The other day I was on the chatrooms, it was just me and squee-neji. Squee decided to run around in circles and stupidly I decided to run around in circles too. I span around too fast and fell out a window. Hurdling towards the ground I started to glow. The shining light brought me back up to the window where I fell back onto the floor where me and squee were once spinning. From my traumatic experience I decided to my pick my nose. But as i did so, my nose fell off and i was left with a turtle face with no nose.
Thankfully squee had some super nose glue, and i stuck my nose back on. Looking back at the pot of super nose glue i noticed how old it was meaning it wouldn't stick. Before I knew it my nose had slid down towards my mouth and the shock made me swallow it... I know a tramatic story and the moral to the story is close all windows if you happen to be running around in circles...
