today was full of awkward

Today began easy, calm and nice
Then came snow and with a price.
my school did then close
3 hours left but thats how it goes.
I hurried for the door bursting with glee
then a voice did stop me...
"can i have a ride" a voice asked
I tured to face and almost gasped
For a minor crush stood in my way
i answered yes in my dismay.

The trip was wierd
for his in his presence my mind was cleared.
My music was playing
and i was spacing
trying to keep the car from getting stuck
but i am not one with good luck.
in the snow the tires did stick
and i did think “well shtick”
He bravely offered to push
and he pushed my car out of the mush.
He whiped off my back window so i could see
oh what a sweetheart is he...

and now i know where he lives

Part 2:

okay part two isn’t as fun as part one. i just thought i’d share this little experience in chat.
there’s another twiliwolf. only this one is Twilighwolf. it was really awkward... and i was here longer. they were being illogical though. they said “ive been here two years” and “before the zelda game” and i was like “wait.... i’ve been here longer then you... but i got my name from the zelda game.... this makes no sense”
