something i have to do!

god, i have so many books that i need to read. i'm going to make a list to show you (organized by priority):

House of Spirits (the book we're reading for my english class)

alice in wonderland (read it long ago, but cant remember anything)

Dirty job, by christopher moore (god i love that author, i started this book and i really need to finish it)

storm front by jim butcher (my friend lent me this and is commanding me to read it)

Pride and Prejudice (its a classic)

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (follow up to PP, heard its hilarious if you've read PP first)

reread Harry potter and the deathly hollows (only harry potter book i dont have memorized)

finish the twilight saga (i hate that series with a passion but i feel if i'm truely to argue about it i need to finish the saga, i'm about halfway through new moon)

theres my reading list. hopefully i can get it done this summer....
