The Living dead

(ignore splling please)

it was dark, thats all i can say. the darkness ate you and covered you. i just remember the dark then suddenly cold stinging air rushing thru my body. it was painful as cold overtook me, a beating in my chest came forth that wasn't there before. what was this? Life? for me? but didn't i die?

i couldn't tell if my eyes were open or not. all i could see was black. the air was hardly air at all, nothing to breathe. my open mouth sucked, trying to get air from it but to no avail. i forced my hands up and began to claw at the inside of whatever held me. A coffin? the wood splintered under my nails, i think i was yelling. finally my nails broke thru the wood and dirt fell in my face, but pure adrenaline and fear of suffocation made me dig. clawing my way up, panic sweeping over my sences, until my fingers were greeted by a cool breeze. i forced upward, worming my way toward the surface. my face split the serface and i gasped for air, taking all i could, half my body still buried. slowly, and with great effort, i pulled myself from the soil. my chest hurt from the effort and all i could do was lay there and breathe, heavy thankful breaths. i looked around, i guessed it was day, but i wasn't sure. i was in a cemetary-no real suprise- and i was wearing a fine suit now covered in dirt. i forced my aching body into a sitting possition and examined the earth i just freed myself from. it was freshly turned so i can have been burried long. my eyes travelled to the headstone. Con Turnnings 1891-1907. so that was my name, Con. and i was about sixteen years old. i looked around again, this time with fear. if i died, then why am i sitting her now, why do i still breathe?

when i had mannaged to sit up again and walk the stiffness out of my legs, suprising how death can stiffen someone, i walked along the headstones looking for a way out. i was thirsty, increadably thirsty. Winding between tombstones i found what i was looking for, a village. I walked forward, curious for answers. the lights were on in one of the brighter buildings so i walked forward and leaned on the door, hungry for gossip. voices reached my ears thru the door. i listened to a few for muinets at a time nothing interesting caught my attention until a familiar name was spoken;
"Did you hear what they're saying about Con Turnnings?"
my name!
"Oh, that poor boy? but he died..."
"yes, he has the Priest shaking in his boots"
"whys that?"
"he's been burried for about two months and he hasn't decomposed"
two months?!
"the priest checked his body this morning" that explained the freshly turned dirt " he's horrible disturbed. the boy has no pulse but..."
"what does it mean?"
"he thinks the boy is becoming a vampyre"
A vampyre? what was that. there was a horrible gasp from inside.
"what is he going to do about it?!"
"what else but impale the body with a wooden stake then sever the head, stuff the mouth with garlic and throw it in flowing water. its one of the only ways, but the safest."
Now i was scared, 'sever the head' didn't sound good at all. i thought it over, if i go in there and explain everything then it would be fine right? i desided to take my chances. so takeing a deep breath i stepped into the Tavern. no one noticed me come in at first and i got a good look at the room. shandaliers were set high in the cieling casting a suprisingly bright light over the room. there was a lot of laughing and talking going on and many people were drinking. i swallowed, oh how thirsty i was. a few heads turned to face me and did a double take, mouths open and eyes wide. i think some one screamed others just gaped. when my mind reached me some one had called "connie??". i was grabbed by a pair of warm arms and flooded by tears. a woman had grabbed me and was sobbing 'my son'. i raised my arms up to hold her back but she was ripped off me by a tall man.
"Dont miss turnings!! dont you see, the boy is back from the grave! this can not bode well"
i was confused now, the man pulled out a knife and pointed it at me.
"maybe he was possesed by an evil spirit or he's become a Vampire!"
i found my voice and croaked "what's a vampire".
they all stared at me and i licked my dry and cracked lips. the woman spoke first
"Connie, honey, don't you remember us? anything"
i slowly shook my head no. and it was back to the staring. i grew uneasy, they were all almost glaring now.
"theres one way to test if he's become a vampire" a man called and came forward and drew a knife. my heart leapt into my throat. he made a small cut on his hand and a crimson drop slid from it. the sight almost drove me mad, my mouth went dry and the next thing i knew i had grabbed his hand and was pulling to my lips, intent on sucking every last drop from his body. more people screamed and the man knocked me back and i hissed, i accually hissed, i didn't know i could summon such a foul noise. everyone withdrew at the sound, faces pale.
the woman who must have been my mother spoke first "C-Conny".
"he's come back from the grave as a monster, a vampire" the man snarled. instinct kicked in, everyone wants to kill me here, i really don't want to die...again. so i leaped up and using every muscle in my body scrambled out of the building. everyone began to mutter again.
"what happened?!"
"he vanished"
"no he ran! he has the vampiric speed!"
"no...not my connie" the woman sobbed.
at that point i turned and left. what was a vampire, why had i become one and what do i do now? i walked down the empty streets, memorizing houses and streets. counting, for some reason i had a fasination with counting now. the night grew brighter and i saw the sun peeping over the horizon. i was scared of the day i needed somewhere to hide.
