Really need someone to listen and just to rant

Okay I am starting to HATE the internet. I'm addicted to comments (as you all know) but I'm starting to wish they didn't exist after this...

I was on deviant art and the creator of "Scott Pilgrim" added a journal post. I commented, being nice. Then a troll comes and insults me. So I go to said Troll's page and type "obvious troll obviously has no life". from now on I will just leave trolls be because this caused a trollsplosion. I did a photoshop of myself you can see here. He then took it and made this. I know its my fault for poking the fat ugly beast so it then sprayed its shit at me but I'm still just offended and hurt. I just want to know from you guys if I have a right to be as upset as I am or not.

B*tch got OWNED! I reported the bastard and now He is perminantly banned from DA!!! but the troll will return, and with more fury. thats why I created a new account so if he goes after my old one I WONT BE THERE!!! mwhahaha. seriously though. rather pleased his ass got banned
