
I just read an article in National Geographic and i need to talk about it.

Animals are smart. i know people are like 'haw haw what a stupid dog!" but really he may be smarter then you think. i have a dog that it took me forever just to teach him 'sit', so i assumed he was stupid. but really i think hes just stubborn. he has a habit of jumping up on the chairs around the dinning room table to get to the food on the table and one time i caught him doing it but he showed signs of intellect. the food was to far away on the table for him to reach so he grabbed the table cloth and pulled it so it came closer to him. in my mind thats really smart for a dog! and both my dogs now understand these words/phrases
"go lay down"="stop begging and go lay down somewhere, maybe you'll get a snack when we're done"
"high five" (only one of my dogs will high five me)
"guard the house"="we'll be gone for a few hours and we're leaving you two outside"
"treat"= "get really exited and come close to me"
"you guys hungry?"= "I'm about to feed you"
"walk"= "time for you to spaz and stand by the front door"

i know theres more but they understand alot and thats just the stuff i know

i must tell a story about doggie smarts:

In my neighborhood we have a dog park. i took my dogs there with a friend once just for fun. as we were sitting watching all the dogs play there was one small terrier named "Crusty". he was like the sheriff in town and broke up squables. his owner was sitting on the bench with us and we were talking when suddenly he came up to her. he sat there looking at her as if he wanted something
"what is it Crusty" the owner asked. and he tilted his head
"do you want a treat?" he tilted his head again
"do you want to be petted" tilt head
"do you want a drink of water" tilt
"do you want to go for a car ride" and he suddenly leaped into her lap wagging his tail.
the fact that it appeared he understood amazed me.

srry i love my dogs and i feel they are smart so i needed to tell the world of their brilliance
