New Manga!!!

I got this idea that im just freaking out about for a manga!!

i got this idea from a combination of the song 'teenagers' by MCR and the movie '13 ghosts'....

i dare you to give a stab a what it is...

taken your guess yet? alright heres my 'back of the book' discription.

Dr. Von Coros is a collecter, and one of his fondest collections are those of the supernatural. so far he has three of each of the four most common in paranormal, Ghosts, Vampires, Demons and Incubuses...
Seth is a vampire who has lived in the Coros mansion his whole undead life, he enjoys reading, sparing and trying to kill Dr Von Coros.
Den is a Demon, well demon child, only the size of a nine year old and barely in control of his powers he is under constant watch of Dr.Von Coros who is training him to use his powers
Martha is a ghost, a classic victem of a bad lover she seeks new comfort in the love dead Seth.
Pepper is a Incubus who is desperate to make Den a ladies man when he grows up.

Dr.Von Coros is collecting these creatures and spirits for a reason, but why?

i already have the cover ready ^_^ just want a few opinions before i start to upload
