opinions?/ Rant

in my last post i had hoped for more then one comment and some opinions but i guess no one loves me enough to spare a minute to write a comment

So I might submit a test cover but I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK FIRST!!!

also i have some more story ideas but if im not loved then why should i put them up

grrr i need to rant

i hate how no one will ever take the one minute or more to write a comment, i ask for advice and i get none, only one person ever realizes they have the time to write a comment. i think we should all just slow down and write a comment, if you dont like something give advice on how the person can make it better. if you like it tell them why. if you dont have anything to say, LIES! there is always something to say about a piece of art!! and there is always something to say about a journal entry too, but do it without saying something like 'retard, wha' the f**k is wrong with you, dats sh17 get a l1f3'
