
Ok, seriously, if you people don't mind, I need to go on a little emo rant to (hopefully) make me feel better. So here goes nothing...
I'm soooo not getting any views on my art and no comments whatsoever on them and my Worlds. I'm gonna delete my riddle World sooner or later when I feel like it. It sucks so bad... I've got drawer's block for narutoKHfighter's school uniform contest cause I can't think of squat to draw. That also sucks. School's coming soon like nobody's business and I haven't really gotten together with all of my friends the whole summer. I feel like crap right now... I also have writer's block for my fiction so that just makes me feel worse. Usually writing makes me feel better, but when I'm so down I can't even manage to write, that's horrible. I can't even remember the last time I tried to write something. Even listening to songs on my MP3 player doesn't help much. Although, that might be because I have mostly rock on it. Y'know, like punk rock and stuff. *bangs head on wall* Why me? *sigh* Wow, I gotta start taking happy pills or something. I was fine yesterday, I dunno what happened. I swear, I'm going bipolar or something. Either that, or puberty and mood swings don't like me right now. I just feel depressed, I dunno. I hate it when I get like this. It's no fun at all. I don't really care if nobody comments on this, I just gotta get this out. At least I have a party tomorrow to look forward to. But god only knows if I'll be back to my smiley self by then. Comment if you want, hugs are good, stuff like that. *lays head down next to keyboard*
