This 'world' is dedacated to the Number one best selling book series Twilight, writen by Stephenie Meyer. the titles include; Twilight, new Moon, Eclipse and the soon to be released Breaking dawn. To be followed by the Twilight film to be released on the 12th of December. The books main character is named Isabella Swan. When Bella moves to the small rainy town of Forks she meets the Cullen family, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and the misterious Edward whom she falls in love with. But the cullens are no ordinary family, there skin is pale, ice cold and Belle compares it to marble, they have liquid gold couloured eyes. They are all extreamly beautiful and moreover they are all 'vegaterian' vampires. They try to keep this a secret but somehow the trust Bella with it. They don't drink the blood of humans but the supress their thirst with the blood of animals. edward finds the smell of Bella's blood intoxicating and subsiquintly fall for her as she fell for him. This is a roller coaster of love, will Bella become a vampire and join the Cullens but loosing good friend and werewolf Jacob Black ? Or will she run away before the Wedding or just change her mind as she loves both of them as much as she can without them killing each other
- Created By Isabella Simone
Edward Antony Cullen ( Masen)
Name: Edward Anthony Cullen (Masen before he was changed)
Age: 108
Physical Age: 17
BOB: 20th June 1901
Edward Cullen is the fastest of all the vampires, he can hear every persons thorghts of (read the minds of) anyone except Bella for some reson within a few miles. he like the others is very beautiful with bronze couloured hair and liquid golden topaz coloured eyes, which were originally green. His skin sparkles like diamonds when he steps into the sun so you will never see him anywhere on sunny days which are rare for the small town of Forks where he lives with his vampire family. He is 6'2 with a slender but muscular build. His interests include cars which he likes to collect, he owns a Volvo S60 R and a Aston Martin V12 Vanquish (his special occasion car, in which he drives Bella to the prom). He is also a very talented Piano player. He was saved by Dr Carlisle Cullen and changed into a vampire when he was dying from Spanish Influenza in Chicargo in 1918.
Isabella 'Bella' Swan
Name: Isabella 'Bella' Swan
Age: 17
BOB: 13th September 1987
Bella as she is known to her friends is very clumsy, she trips over everything and anything even her own feet which means she always supports a plaster cast or brace and always seems to be in the small towm hospital. she is a danger magnet. According to Edward (her fiance) her number was up as soon as she moved to Forks where she lives with her dad Police Chief Charlie Swan. Her mum - Renee lives with her step dad Phil in sunny Florida. Bella moved to Forks from equally sunny Pheonix where she lived with her mum until her marrage to Phil.