Yep, holidays are over and now it's back to homework, back to DNA, acids and cells :( but still i'm 'kind-a' happy :) (not completely sure why)
i hope i do well this term .. not that i did bad last term but see here's the disadvantage of doing quite good in the first term, you are automatically expected to be really good in the following terms too whereas if i was kind-a average people wouldn't expect much -- no? i know, i'm like that, queen of weird long theories :P
either way, i'll try my best to be on and comment and fav on your works because i wouldn't miss you guys for anything, thanks all for being great friends.
8th April of 2009 has technically been the best day of my life because of y'all, its the day i joined otaku and i'm glad i did
Bye for now!
PS - i know i haven't officially wished happy new year yet so, **bursting baloons and firecrackers** Happy new year! **hug hug** Hope you have a fantastic time and hope you all take your artworks to a whole new level or better, improve your capabilities so much that it looks like a new level!(ahem, refer the last line of 2nd para.. yeah...)
so, study well, draw awesome, don't forget me and all the best!