Hello there Otaku-ers!! This is V.B with another world!! i wanted to do something that dosen't really have soooooo much to do with my quilty obsession for anime, so this world is for all the stuff in my head that's just waiting to burst!! This world will be fill with Me, Myself, and a whole lot of Random!! Hope you enjoy!! Oh! and if you don't like to read about people...you just have to go to the top of this place and click the "Backroom" button! All Friends welcome here!
Well...that's pretty damn random...

Oh....and whatever that was....

Name: wouldn't you like to know...
Age: Under 20
Whereabouts: at the moment i'm in a closet...
Hair colour: platinum blonde(really silver)
Eye colour: blue but i wanted purple
Fave Colour:I don't have one! I have alot! i hate pastels tho. they make my eyes cry!
Fave. Anime:Loveless, Sukisyo, Junjou Romantica, VK, VKQ, anything yaoi really, Inuyasha, code geass, Naruto, Fruits basket....ahhhh too many!!
Fave video game:Kingdom Hearts and all FF!!! YAY!!
Hobbies:computer stuff like you see right now, drawing, painting, writing, cosplaying, wicca, and more that you don't need to know of (*suspisous glance*)JK!!
Likes&Dislikes:I like gay guys unless they are mean, I like chocolate, i like cookies,i like music, i like my computer, i like gummiebears!!, anime and manga, i dislike most girls especially those fluffy dim-witted ones, most guys becuz of thier naive rude-ness,the gummiebear song, rude ppl, crowds of ppl like @ school,....and more that you will learn of!!
(*evil laugh*)
Anything Else??:Hmmmmmm...well, you'll just have to find out, now won't you??

Epic Fail in Home Ec.

Heelllloooo!!!! knay so today in H.E(home economics class) out table epically failed at making amothies. I was the sugar person so i added the sugar, L was in charge of the blender(thank god!!), A.B was the one who added the yogurt, and Micky was Captin Fruit!! L is a good cook but a lil rusty so it might explain the end part. But when i went to go get the sugar,Micky was putting in the fruit and all of a sudden when i come back, there's like the whole thing filled up with Pinapple and one blueberry on top. I turn to her with a What-the-hell look and she goes,"I like pinapple," like that explained everything. Then i added the sugar which seemed a lil too much but i thought that sugary treats were good so i didn't tell them. Next A.B added the yogart which sent thge little boddle thing overflowing. It looked pretty gross to tell you the truth and i don't like smoothies anyway(*random smoothie fan throws pinapple at me*). Well anyway, after 10 minutes of blending and gross smoky smells, it was done and...it looked epically grosser than it did before the blending. It looked like unicorn throw up. So we failed at making smoothies and our damn H.E teacher made us stay an hour after school to clean up the gross-ness which is the classroom. I only got home like an hour ago!!(I get home at 2:30 or so). So yeah. Just felt like sharing with you some of my day...and my friend's too. L has been sick so we were all sad and Micky never lets her alone because Micky never does her homework and bugs L all the tinme so that she can copy.
Well(*sigh*) chao for now!!!

the girl in this pic looks like L almost!

Angel Cats Chap.1

Note: this is a story that i have made up in my noggin in which i was trying to make a manga for but i just couldn't. so i hope you enjoy! It is told from Akeno's(my personal favorite) point of view and this may change during each chapter.

The sky was shifting into a light-ness now. the clouds were crowding along the sun's outline and the silloets of dawn were slowy crawling back into thier hiding places untill they may venture out again. Then, something shimmers, bright and brillient as it reflects in the eyes of many wanderers.

I stand ontop the highest building in Lyko, a suburban town not far from Tokyo. The glimmer of the earring fades as the trapped rays of day rise higher into the sky where they shine and domanate like an all-powerful god. My name...is Akeno and - The wind ruffles my dark indigo hair and my jacket flies to the side as i slowly lean forward off the ledge of the building, till i can feel myself fall - I am cursed.

It's only moments later untill i am flying down, the air pushing at my face till my eyes water. I kick a leg upward till i'm falling with my feet toward the ground. The ground rushes up faster and faster and then....the crashing pain in the heals of my feet rattle me even through my heavy combat boots. But i shake away that pain and listen as i hear three other object land and make a small "mew" noise from behind. Damn, I think,even after a fall like that they still fallow me everywhere. And I was so sure this time!

If you haven't figured it out by now, my curse is that i am a Cat Caller; one who calls the cats of the city to him wheather he likes it or not. I never asked for this "gift" as Grandmother Veecee so calmly put it. But, the truth is, it is considered a intense disgrace to be called a Cat Caller. The family i once thought i could love has turned the other way and outcasted me to a place where i will be tortured by the population of cats. I glare out the side of my eyes at the cute white fuzz at my feet who stares up at me and coos it's gentle call. I can't help but see that they are cute, but i hate them. Hate them for fallowing me.
Hate them for calling out to my spirit.
And most inportant...Hate them for choosing me as the new Cat Caller of my generation.

By this point, i am greatly aware of the number of people staring at me and trying their very hardest to avoid eye contact. Probably the best thing about this curse is that i get a lot of room on the bussy subway or crowed streats. I pull up my sleeve and look at my watch and see the hour hand slowly closing in on the 8 on the face of the clock. Oh crap, i think with dread,thanks to them i'm going to be late!!

I take off running down the sidewalk as i hear the scamper of the felines behind me.


I jump down from the brick wall outside the school and land on my feet on the stone sidewalk, pulling a leaf from my hair in the process. I hear the cats behind me all mew in unision like they sigh together. I grin to myself and walk onto school grounds. the cats know that they cannot fallow me into the school. the last time they tryed that, the large male gray one - the "leader" if you will - got thrown out the second floor window when it swipped at Mr. Gakada, my boring history teacher. I had laughed but couldn't help but feel pity for the creature.

The moment I walk through the wall, all conversation stops and all the annoying fluffy girls and the jock sterotypical guys stare at me as if i was a sideway show freak. No, I'm not but i'm pretty damn close. I walk through the little area that they had made for me and keep my eyes straight. I see Amber - the girl that won't leave me alone - stare at me through the crowd, her cheeks slowy turning a fine shade of pink and when i glance at her, the pink turns deep red and she hides her face in her hands. I don't understand why or how she could like me.With all the rummors that have started about me and how i am outcasted. One person even created a rummor when i first arrived here that I was an outcasted Prince from a royal family in Europe who has been charged with murder, another said i was the son of a high-class buisness man who is off over seas who cannot afford to travel, and the most common: I am some sort of agent in the government who is sneaking around and invetigating. what imaginations children have. I am none of those things.Oh, wait! I am one. I am an Outcast for sure.

"Amber? Amber! Why is your face so utterly red?!" Amber's friend asks, joining herfrom the side. But then she fallows her stare and her eyes land on me.
"It's..." Amber tries to say. "It's...Akeno!" Her voice is but a soft squeal through her hands.
Her friend(whose name i have forgotten) glares at her and says,"You know he's not like the rest of us! So why even bother?!"
I walk past them then and i feela twinge of sadness. not like the rest of us, hih? I think. What a horrible thing to say.
I make my way to my home room seat and sit and stare out the window, wishing for the day to be over.....


Hope you liked it!!!! There will be more to come...and pictures too!!!

holy crap...i just learned something amazing!

Holy effin crap i just learned something totally freakin amazing!!!!! Akito from Fruits Basket is.......is.....IS......a woman!!!!!!You see i never knew this!!!! i thought he(or she now) was a freaking girl but that dose explain alot(*lost in thought*). But still...what kind of FB fan am i??!! I mean i didn't even know that the dude was she!!!!!

Heehee...Random pic.

Because we all know Akito's guilty....

Blah,Blah, Blah...i hate thinking of titles.

Y'know. I really hate sunny days. Summer is not my thing. the sun blinds my eyes and heats my skin under my usually black cloths. How i wish for cold air and snow...and ever-lasting darkness. The sun should die and never come out again. The moon should rise and cascade it's sliver silk over the world instead. My eyes are really sensitive to bright places so it's hard for me during the summer. & i just...HATE it. Caps lock cannot express how much i hate it. Blah. at school yesterday, i didn't know what to say at lunch so there was an akward silence between my friends who are fighting(i only have three friends in the real world. yeah i'm pretty pathetic) and so i was getting mad because of A.)Them and B.) the sun that was blinding me through the windows. and then i also thought of my teacher who i had last period and she always looks like a Hobo. I don't know why, she just dose, so i all of a sudden said, "Damn those hobo's. They are responsible for the sun." they both looked at me and just like the mind of me, i pictured a question mark over thier head like in anime shows. "Did, you just say 'Damn those Homos'?" A.B asked. o yeah, i should probly introduce my friends. A.B and Micky. If you read my Loveless club, i am srry to say the "Sasuke", "Lucy", and "sakura" all moved away. And L wasn't there. So after that they both burst into laughter and thier fight was like nothing ever happened. But A.B usually dosn't get along with anyone, especially L. She hates L because we've been friends longer. What's that about too?? BTW, the point to all this was to say that random outbursts can come in handy most of the time. take this sich. for example. anyway, i was bored because it's sunny out again today and i'm in my closet because of the sun. So what if i'm wierd. i know that in this place i can say whatever and not care, but the world that i live in is not a very good one. For example: I was born into the wrong rilign. i think it's so awesome that gay guys and Lezzs can express themselves but my parents and family frown apon it. They say that it is against the will of God. But i don't want that kind of thig, i believe in Wiccan. it's a more open minded reign. srry if i'm offending anyone but this is my world here. So yeah. All this equals my intense bordom
<this is what ppl look like after talking to me