Devastating Day...'s how it all went down:

This morning i went to bed at 2:30am and then woke up at 8:00am to throw up because i was majorly sick for some reason and in sooooooooo much pain you couldn't imagine!
My mother and older brother arn't home for some reason.....
And my father is in Chicago for bussiness!
I throw up again and then get a call from my mother who is at the hospitle with my brother because my grandmother fell early this morning and fractured her spine....WHICH the dumbass doctors are all like
"Well...y'know...we can't do anything bout that! SO no sugury for the old lady!"
And I'm all pissed and sick and get up from bed at 11:00am and get a lift from my mother to my gram's house who(!!!!!) is suborn and refused to stay at the hospitle and then go into rehab!
My uncle's just like..."Well I'll be here so no prob!"
My gramp is just like WTF because he's loosing his memory and can't even remember what he had for breakfast!
My bro rides his bike from the house when the ambulence gets there and my gramp is still like WTF what's with the ambulance!?!
I'm trying to get him to move out of the way for the Amb. ppl and he's still all like "NO!"
And bro is all like "Well f*ck that, he's not going to move!"
uncle is there just...well i don't know where he went at that time.
The Amb. ppl are getting her in and one's just like "Where's that giant sword!!" to me and I'm just there looking at him, being sick, and think: What Smoke are you Craking!?!
So once we get Gram in her bed. The second Amb. person is all like "Twilight?" and nods to my shirt (ps. not a big fan just like the books) and i'm just like yeah.
So the first one's all like," going to Nina's cookout?" to me and I'm all like WTF?!?
Wait...Nina..there are like 4 Ninas' in meh family!!!!!
So I just go to the door to see them out and Uncle's just like...Nina?
And he keeps asking them bout Nina.
I go into the bedroom to help Gram.
10 mins later Uncle comes back in and is all like "Why don't i know Nina?"
Mom's all like "Cuz she's my brother's daughter"
I didn't even know my mom had a bro till like a year ago...sad huh?
My gramp has no idea why my grams in bed so he's like"Why are you in bed?" even tho he saw her fall this mornin
Grams just a worrywart cuz she has to take care of him.
Bro's just like "can i do somethin?!" and I'm just there in the mass chaos in which is my grams bedroom thinkin WTF!
Oh! and did i mention my gram's naighbor Maria is there trying to calm down my gram so that she dosn't pass out??!!
-l8ter at like 6:30pm-
So after my mom went to go do some work, my bro went to work, and my uncle went to get cloths to spend the night, and Maria went ot go make dinner for Gram, I'm sitting there making sure my gram. needed anything.
So after i threw up again, then she threw up, I went to make some toast cuz that's the only thing I knew how to make!
Okay. SO once Gram's eaten and fell asleep, My uncle's back and show's me pics on his computer from his italy trip because we're both bored and have nothin to do.
-l8ter at like 8:oopm-
Okay. Bro and mom are back and ordering pizza i'm with gram drinking milk(hate the stuff but gram insisted) listening to her tell me bout my great gram that i never knew. Then we get a call from my other uncle who came back from another hospitle cuz my aunt needed sugury and he sayz that once he got onto the road in his car, his breaks blew out and flew across the street and into a field with cows!!
My gram is freaking out and so is my mom but i don't see why cuz he's okay but i was kinda laughing cuz it sounds pretty funny but at the same time not.
So once it's like 10pm Gram tellz us to leave cuz it's late so we go home and like an hour ago my dad returned from Chicago and it's like 1:00 am now.
Happened today??

*out of breath*
