Blah,Blah, Blah...i hate thinking of titles.

Y'know. I really hate sunny days. Summer is not my thing. the sun blinds my eyes and heats my skin under my usually black cloths. How i wish for cold air and snow...and ever-lasting darkness. The sun should die and never come out again. The moon should rise and cascade it's sliver silk over the world instead. My eyes are really sensitive to bright places so it's hard for me during the summer. & i just...HATE it. Caps lock cannot express how much i hate it. Blah. at school yesterday, i didn't know what to say at lunch so there was an akward silence between my friends who are fighting(i only have three friends in the real world. yeah i'm pretty pathetic) and so i was getting mad because of A.)Them and B.) the sun that was blinding me through the windows. and then i also thought of my teacher who i had last period and she always looks like a Hobo. I don't know why, she just dose, so i all of a sudden said, "Damn those hobo's. They are responsible for the sun." they both looked at me and just like the mind of me, i pictured a question mark over thier head like in anime shows. "Did, you just say 'Damn those Homos'?" A.B asked. o yeah, i should probly introduce my friends. A.B and Micky. If you read my Loveless club, i am srry to say the "Sasuke", "Lucy", and "sakura" all moved away. And L wasn't there. So after that they both burst into laughter and thier fight was like nothing ever happened. But A.B usually dosn't get along with anyone, especially L. She hates L because we've been friends longer. What's that about too?? BTW, the point to all this was to say that random outbursts can come in handy most of the time. take this sich. for example. anyway, i was bored because it's sunny out again today and i'm in my closet because of the sun. So what if i'm wierd. i know that in this place i can say whatever and not care, but the world that i live in is not a very good one. For example: I was born into the wrong rilign. i think it's so awesome that gay guys and Lezzs can express themselves but my parents and family frown apon it. They say that it is against the will of God. But i don't want that kind of thig, i believe in Wiccan. it's a more open minded reign. srry if i'm offending anyone but this is my world here. So yeah. All this equals my intense bordom
<this is what ppl look like after talking to me
