Epic Fail in Home Ec.

Heelllloooo!!!! knay so today in H.E(home economics class) out table epically failed at making amothies. I was the sugar person so i added the sugar, L was in charge of the blender(thank god!!), A.B was the one who added the yogurt, and Micky was Captin Fruit!! L is a good cook but a lil rusty so it might explain the end part. But when i went to go get the sugar,Micky was putting in the fruit and all of a sudden when i come back, there's like the whole thing filled up with Pinapple and one blueberry on top. I turn to her with a What-the-hell look and she goes,"I like pinapple," like that explained everything. Then i added the sugar which seemed a lil too much but i thought that sugary treats were good so i didn't tell them. Next A.B added the yogart which sent thge little boddle thing overflowing. It looked pretty gross to tell you the truth and i don't like smoothies anyway(*random smoothie fan throws pinapple at me*). Well anyway, after 10 minutes of blending and gross smoky smells, it was done and...it looked epically grosser than it did before the blending. It looked like unicorn throw up. So we failed at making smoothies and our damn H.E teacher made us stay an hour after school to clean up the gross-ness which is the classroom. I only got home like an hour ago!!(I get home at 2:30 or so). So yeah. Just felt like sharing with you some of my day...and my friend's too. L has been sick so we were all sad and Micky never lets her alone because Micky never does her homework and bugs L all the tinme so that she can copy.
Well(*sigh*) chao for now!!!

the girl in this pic looks like L almost!
