*chuckle snort* with a tidge of sexism

When he received a journal as a gift, my eight-year-old son was mystified. "Mom, what am I supposed to do with this? The pages are blank."
"You write down interesting stuff that happens to you," I said.
"So it's like a blog...on paper."

Beverly Taylor, Colorado Springs, CO

RD October 2008

Kids these days are quite intelligent, but also stupid as stumps.

On another note...
I know this has been a topic of discussion in other places, but really, what's the deal with pre-twenties girls sucking at games like Guitar Hero? Seriously, why do they fail so hardcore?

We were at the midnight release of Paolini's Brsingr at Border's (Shika's workplace, remember?), and they had Guitar Hero III available for play for the few hours prior. I'm a tad bit of a coward when it comes to doing anything in front of people, so I was just sitting back with Shika and the mother-person, watching as at least 8 teen-something females sucked it up...on EASY. Da crap? This is 'easy' we're talking about. And they'd all played before. Several of them owned it.

As I was pantomiming shoving a long pointy object through my throat, some rather unkempt male-ish looking people took the guitars and tore it up on expert. "Thank goodness someone can play," I thought, then caught myself. "Wait a second. Why the heckamuh do girls insist on painting themselves as pathetic helpless noobs when it comes to all things electronic? Do these guy-ish people find that appealing? Do they think to themselves, "Aww. How cute. She can't even hold a fake guitar." Or maybe something like "Dude. An area of life where she'll never question my supremacy. Sweet."" (Though I'm pretty sure the word 'supremacy' has never passed their lips.) I've only played GH with a group of girls on one other occasion, and it went down the same way, though that time there weren't even males present.

I really want to know what the deal is. I don't own any of the Guitar Hero games, or Rock Band, not for lack of interest, mind you. Still, in the few hours time I've managed to snag someone's copy, I can manage lower 80s on Hard. Is it because I'm a musician by nature? Or because I'm not a vapid, cheerleader wannabe that drops 'like' and 'ya know' every other word? Friggin' Johnson County... Is there a connection between general aptitude in life and hand-eye coordination? Does having dyed hair bleach the brain cells as well?

Please give me your insight.
To the womens: Do you suck too? and why?
To the mens: Is this ineptitude truly appealing? or do you scoff as I do?

NOTE: I did play on this occasion, 3 times. It had been perhaps 7 months since I last touched the game, but I made 80% on Hard. The girl playing with me (not Shika) did 30% on Medium. Jesus.
