Denver Taiko meets Kidaiko

Back on myO, I explained a bit about the taiko troupe my sister and I are in, Kidaiko. Well, tomorrow (or actually *squints at clock* today) we're having a 6-hour workshop with one of Denver Taiko's veteran members, Thomas Knight. A few hours ago, my father and I picked him up from the airport here in Kansas City, and in just under 10 hours, our day of taiko-mania begins.

As he explained on our way from the airport, the morning will consist of basic drills and technique, mostly focusing on chu-daiko, since it's "the most involved", and then in the afternoon, he'll be premiering his most recent creation - a new taiko piece that not even his own Denver Taiko has played yet. We'll work our tushes off trying to memorize it while we have him at our disposal. I'm a little worried about how my body is going to hold up throughout the day (my sleeping schedule is all jacked up from watching the death pugs (for the last time, thank God)), and I'm really worried about the long-term repercussions. I'm prone to tendonitis (from my father) and mine's been flaring up lately. Hitting that odaiko with all your might sure puts some strain on your joints.

Here's to possible over-exertion and/or heatstroke...though, in all actuality, I'm thrilled. Thomas is a great guy, and hopefully, my soon-to-be mentor. Odaiko power!

What's this? You don't know anything about taiko? Let me, or rather wikipedia educate you.
