Hey ppl! This world is all about asia from music to jokes. ESPECIALLY JOKES!!!!!! So keep up with the latest asian humor, music, and fashion

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AHHH got my wisdom teeth removed >< HURTS LIKE HELL! >.< my cheeks r all puffy lol my bf said i look like a chipmunk lol

Your Chinese Horoscope!

Like to know ur chinese horoscope? PM or Comment ur year of birth!

Feb 6, 1932 to Jan 25, 1933
Feb 4, 1992 to Jan 22, 1993

Monkey people, on their merry way to becoming famous, like to strew memorable bits of impishness and practical jokes along the way. Lots of fun, they also possess a serious side and influence a good many people throughout their lifetime. They know how to accomplish the most difficult of tasks with the greatest of enthusiasm, concentration, and ease. Even so, they can easily get discouraged and confused and MUST do things their way! They often become great mathematicians, super chess players, researchers, entrepreneurs or scientists. And, great mentors! Monkeys have a burning passion for knowledge of every kind and they magically are surrounded by the finer things in life. Life is a big adventure!

Duck Soup and Rice are among the keys to good health!!

Always the center of attention, this headline grabber likes to be noticed, by everybody. This alienates some people because after all, others would like the spotlight once in a while, too. Others willingly gravitate towards the Water Monkey, recognizing a natural born leader when they see one. The Water Monkey is very sensitive to criticism and tends to hide behind an iron mask to protect from barbs, insults, and unkindness which might come their way. They need to control themselves to gain the respect of others. If they use their talent properly, they will become prosperous and know fully the Good Life. The passage of time will be very kind to them. They will know great happiness in their golden years. They will never know what loneliness is because children just love being with the Water Monkey. They will accompany them on their journey all the way.

Black Cherry Tour Koda Kumi

Last Angel

Chopstick Abduction the original :P
