i have been watching you
even before we met
every day i knew who you
were and i realized we were
alike not very different
and though for a time
i was meaningless to you
i was able to befriend you
i was your shadow you
reflected me i was you
and that is how it all worked
even all my strength and
decisions weren't able to
help you it seems you and
i we are the same you are
someone i am part of i
follow you to learn and i
have done that so and
confusion has filled my mind
in many times but i was able
to understand that life
is something you can't run
away from only go through
things come at you fast so
one has to be swift and fast
but always move forward and
keep the tempo keep the pace
though sometimes it will be
disrupted when this happens
pray for strength and if nothing
gives you strength pray to yourself
you will grant yourself power to keep
moving and thus all this happens
there has to be times when one is
left behind but pain isn't enough
to stop you only pain will help
you and in the end you will
find yourself not alone because
you were ahead of everyone else
Your Shadow