The Search

I looked into the tree lines, hoping to find something to train on, thinking that Lord Aizen will be away for awhile.

“Such a worthless training grounds, last time I checked, this place was suppose to be damn well filled with Hollows,” I complained.

I walked into the forest, hoping to catch a Hollow’s reiatsu, only to fail

“Well… This is gonna be a game of Cat and Mou…..” I try to say when I get tackled mid-step.

I rolled across the ground, stood up, and wiped the blood from my head, “The hell?” I looked at the huge Hollow standing before me. I soon felt a burst of reiatsu, stepped back and looked at the Hollow.

“This will be really interesting, should attract more hollows, weak, strong, makes no difference, I will eliminate them till I become the strongest, even if it means using my release,” I rambled as I launch at the hollering Hollow.

It easily swatted me away, making me tumble through several trees. I stood back up on my feet and glared at it, sonidoed back to it, unsheathed Luzhalcon and slashed at its heel leaving a deep gash. I watched it stumble, “Now is my chance!” I exclaimed, sonidoing in front of the Hollow’s mask.

The second I was in front of the Hollow, I knew I made a mistake, “GAH!” I shouted as the Hollow bit down where I was standing. I glared at the hollow then looked at Luzhalcon thinking, “Should I?”

I shot to the ground, dodging the Hollow’s senseless attack, lunged back at its feet, quickly cutting it’s injured foot off, grinning as I did. I then looked back up at it, sonidoed back in front of it.

“Be glad you get to see this,” I smiled evilly as the Hollow screeched in pain, attracting even more Hollows.

“Render them, Luzhalcon!” I shouted as my zanpokuto started to release.

Glares at the Hollows that start to surround me. I laugh when I close my eyes, reopening them to feel my wings rip through my jacket and look down my legs to see my once bare legs, to see then strips of bone to connect with my feet. I popped my neck, moving my feet to feel my boney, jagged talons rip through dirt. I then look up at the Hollows so they see my mask. My normal face mask was replaced, covering half my face and most of my hair, near the front of the mask, was half a Hawk’s beak.

“This. Is true power, you weaklings,” I boasted.

I showed them my wings and my mask, looking at the Hollows as they neared closer. I closed my eyes and whispered, “Cero,” I held up my hand and spun in a circle. A blinding light flashed through the air, then destruction. Once the cero was fired, I looked around and saw all the Hollows were evaporated, only leaving my reiatsu pulsing through the air.

“They didn’t even survive my cero? How lame,” I growled.

I looked at some extremely weak Hollows as they tried to reach me, only to feel weak and fall to the ground, nearly evaporating. “How pathetic,” I sighed as I walked to the Hollow and crushed its head with my talons.

I then starred at the ground, wondering something.

“I wonder if… I wonder if I should return to my little hut,” I sighed, lowering my wings, but staying in release.

I sonidoed through the forest till I got to my tree, I then proceeded to conceal my reiatsu before I even got close to the entrance of my old home. I barged into the cave, rushing through the house to get to the old pool of water. Before I even got there, I was stopped by, what looked like, another arrancar.

I stopped within a heart beat and looked at it, “Who are you?” I asked the stranger.

“I should be asking you that!” He glared at me while stepping up to face me.

“Such a fool,” I snarled, grabbing his neck, lifting him from the ground.

I released my reiatsu and watched him choke from the pressure, “too much?” I laughed, tightening my grip on his neck.

I then threw him to the ground, looking straight into his eyes making him freeze, “You dare step foot into my old home, and then you ask who I am? You are just a lowly arrancar FOOL, that doesn’t even know how to release!” I shouted at him.

I then raised my foot, swiped it across his chest and watched him bleed, I chuckled to myself, “Learn your place,” I snarled, grabbing his face.

“Your old Ho…” I fired my cero, stopping him from saying anything, making the arrancar evaporate and hit the floor below me.

“I have only taken the life of three arrancars… Two of Aizen’s Army… One of an innocent, what have I become?” I asked myself.

I proceeded to fall to my knees, letting my release break, turning to my normal self.

“A monster…. One of Aizen’s monsters,” I whispered angrily to myself, punching the floor leaving more of a dent, “But I cannot stop, not before I get my revenge on the one who deserves it.”

Continued to: The Search II
