Day Before School After Break

Today we didn't have school after all. Too much snow and ice. It's so freakin' cold out here now! So that means no more walking up the street with no shoes on... I love doing that, though! Then again, it's negative 19 degrees here so I don't think I'd want to do that anymore... School starts tomorrow though. It's gonna be so cold. I wish I could stay in my bed. I'm not a morning person... Snow is fun, but not when it's blocking the door. I kind of miss my friends, but the other stuff like sitting in a desk all day I could do without. I've been up since 6 a.m. because my mom still had to go to school since she's a teacher. I'm getting tired now. I've been so busy over the break going places with my mom and hiding from my brother(who is trying to kill me) I didn't really get to do anything I wanted to do. I think I forgot to feed my frogs. They might be a little angry... Gotta go! 'Til then!
