A Rude Awakening to a New Semester

I'm sort of mad at my dad right know. Like the kind of mad a cat is when you pour water on it. This morning to wake me up, he found this COLD can of soda he had in his car since the day before and walked to my room. He touched me with it! It was ice cold! I jumped up and fell out of my bed landing on my head... And then he starts laughing! I called him an ass and told mom. She said he did the same to her. I swear sometimes he acts like a teenage boy obsessed with pulling pranks. It was 5:49 so I was still sleepy. After I got dressed, I went to lay down on the heater like I do every time it gets cold outside. If I went back to sleep in my bed no doubt he'd come after me again. That was probably payback since I locked him outside yesterday... But how was I supposed to know he was out there?! He didn't say anything! Thank goodness mom was downstairs to hear him pounding on the door. I was so cold out there, no wonder he was so po'd. I got to school on time! I even had some time to talk to my friends before heading off to class. I got my new class schedule for the semester. I now have a completely different list of teachers and I'm taking Spanish and Business Tech. And now I'm no longer "that girl" or "little girl". Now everyone wants to call me Spears or Miss Spears. I hate that somebody started that and it actually caught on. Even the teachers slip up and call me that sometimes... Gosh it's annoying. And now I sit next to the guy that started that almost all day in each class. The first thing I hear when I walk into the classroom now is "Look! It's Spears!". It's so annoying. At least I can be at home and not be called that... I'm pretty sure my Spanish teacher hates me now... I kind of showed her up quite a few times... Not my fault my parents made me take it for like 5 years in a row. There's officially 18 weeks left in school now! Thank goodness. I don't think I can take that much more of the weirdos in my school. If it wasn't for my friends, I'd have gone crazy! Hopefully this Spears thing'll pass one of these days... I don't have anything in common with Brittney Spears!!! At least it's better than the other name I don't want to mention... And report cards come out soon!!! Hopefully I got good grades. Then I'll be able to listen to my report card theme song! I gotta go. 'Til then!
