A Mystery For Berri!

I found something surprising today. In my locker. At school. It was....A love note! Somebody loves me! Yay! But that's not what I'm interested in. I'm interested in the mystery of who it could be...I know. Weird. But that's the way I am. I'm that type of girl that it ruins the fun for if the guy just comes up and says I love you. I love mysteries! I'm probably gonna spend who knows how long trying to figure this out...Crap! If only I had Conan to help me with this! But that wouldn't be fair...I will solve this! By the end of the semester. Probably...No promises...I'll try, though. Then again, who in their right mind would fall for me?! XD I'm the only anime fan in the whole school, so I'm automatically labeled the weirdo. It's not like I care. I managed to get a couple of friends. That's all I really need. Not sweating the little stuff like boyfriends, love, popularity, sanity...Lol. I don't like the cheerleaders...Does every blonde have to be one? I sure don't want to. They're way too girly for me. In fact, I'm going to change the color scheme of this world soon. The pink is blinding me! I don't really fit in with them anyway... I don't read gossip magazines, wear makeup, talk about boybands, polish my nails with pink glitter nail polish, wear high heels, or all that other girly stuff. I'd wear my favorite anime T-shirt instead of my favorite boyband. Read Shonen Jump or Shoujo Beat instead of Tiger Beat. I wear sunshine yellow nailpolish instead of pink glitter. I wear anime dog-tag necklaces, not peace sign pendants. I sing along to my favorite anime themes, not pop songs. My favorite colors are yellow and orange, not pink. Berri's my name, and that's the game! I wouldn't be a cheerleader if my life depended on it. I've got nothing against cheerleaders, it's just I'm not meant to be one. And I like it that way. Wouldn't have it any other way! This is who I am, and I wouldn't change for the world!
