A Solution to a Stupid Problem and Plan W Continues

Hi everyone! My plan is still going sort of...I get to have my computer with no disturbance. Again. England has been messing with it alot...Darn him. And I think annoying plenty of people...For some reason, Gin doesn't like him. Or trust him. Don't know what that's about. My fiance is annoying. Lol. Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to marry him anyway. And then I remember the reason. To freak him out! Lol. It's true. That's the only reason I'm doing this whole thing. It's working too. I promised a few people invitations to the wedding already. They'll be coming when I can figure out a date and get it planned... But I'm way too young to get married yet. XD Then again, he never said yes. I didn't hear a no either! He was messing with my computer for a while. I got tired of beating him up several different ways and times...So I figured a way to keep him off and a very important lesson. If you love someone, tie them to a tree. But I didn't actually tie him to the tree. I used duct tape! It's some good stuff. Holds for a while. A long while. I lost track of time of how long he's been there. I don't have time to keep beating him up. I bet he won't be saying girls aren't strong anymore. I wonder if his parents know he's been gone all night...Maybe they do, but think it's time he learned his lesson. Don't mess with Berri too much. That's a good lesson to learn. Lol. Especially for him. I'm getting tired of kicking his butt. Over and over and over again. Karate girls rule! I think I forgot something important...I just have that feeling...Eh. Oh that's right! I left him up there! We have school tomorrow and it's cold! I should go let him down or something. Nah. He'll get down. Eventually. Oh who am I kidding. I gotta go now! We have wedding shopping to do. Byes! 'Til then!
