Secrets with a Hint of Good News~ A Recipe for Happiness!

Hi everyone! Back from my vacation!^^ Finally...>.> But I really needed it considering the whole event that happened Saturday. Not gonna say too much about it. But just because I can't. If I told anyone too much, I'd have to kill them.^^ And that's the reason I can't say anything about it. SECRET! On the brighter side, I may actually have an idea of what I wanna be when I grow up.^^ I even did a presentation on it at school. I was thinking about being a lawyer. After how things looked Saturday, I thought it was pretty cool. But I don't know if I have the personality for it...My teacher and parents say they could see me as a lawyer somehow. Don't know why...o_o I wonder if it's because I'm a little loud or argue with people sometimes and win! (Yes!) Whatever reason, I might try following a lawyer for school career day!^^ I even found a law office in town. How cool! And some more good news. I finally found out where my brother was and figured what he was doing.(Not really the good news to me) The actual good news is...*drumroll* I'm gonna be an aunt!^^ Yays! I hope it's a girl! That way, I can teach it to be like me!^^ Or something like that. I'm so excited! And he's finally moving out of the house! Double yays! And he and his girlfriend are getting married! During the summer! I get to be in it!^^ I haven't been in or to a wedding in a while. I never thought I'd be this excited! It's like being hyper! But with less craziness! <.< Maybe I should use that in a card...But, I'm gonna be an aunt! I know I'm a little young to be an aunt. And my mom and dad are so confused. They keep talking about how they're too young to be grandparents. Poor them..T_T And dad already said how my bro was making him feel older already. Haha. Talk about feeling old now. It's snowing! I'm so happy now, I just take ever oppurtunity to laugh and play. I spent 4 hours outside just playing in the snow. And started laughing at commercials for no reason. Even when they were just the tiniest bit funny. And with that, I think I'll go for now. 'Til then! *giggles*
