One Hell Of A Week

Hi everyone! Sorry about neglecting the blog world for so long! I've just been busy this whole week and a little before then. What with the big exam, that we've been preparing for basically the whole school year. And a recent problem. =_= So far, Gin-sama's the only one that knows. XD We got an exchange student at our school! And he's French. Apparently, also in love with me. =_= Yah. So ironic. It's just a Hetalia ironic thing, though. Huzzah! I told my new Hetalia buddy, Destiny, and she laughed at me. Then asked what the heck a git was...Oh so random! Anyway, I've been finding it hard to get my usual stuff done while running away from Francis, attempting to avoid being touched...So far, it works, but takes too much energy and time! Must find more efficient way! I could try out the new boots I got! >D Although, not sure how that would work...How to get rid of a guy...He never goes! And now my mom and dad think he's a nice guy! So they let him in the house! Good grief! So frustrating that I have to run and hide at home, too! But that's the reason doors come with locks!^_^ Also, that's part of a reason why my aunt gave me a cell-phone taser. It looks like a cell-phone, but will shock you silly! Although, it's pretty dangerous I guess...Curse my caring nature!>_< Why do I care? Ugh! I am nice! *Hot 'N Cold plays* Why does that song seem to follow me?=_= Oh, well! On the bright side, I now know the Secret works! I won a contest out of all the kids in my school! That's alot!^_^ I think I did pretty well on the big exams! My aunt's birthday is tomorrow! I got some tips on how to draw manga today from my mom's students! They showed me some manga they drew! They looked at mine and told me it was great! Huzzah! Maybe I'll start submitting my fanart!^_^ I finally found a new Hetalia season! :D So physced! Hetalia: World Series rocks! I love it already! Can't wait for more episodes! It's even funnier than the original Hetalia!^_^ Thanks to Wikipedia stuff, I found out about the new season! Yah! I think I love the Hetalia anime more than any other anime I've ever seen! It's just that awesome! *strikes Prussia awesome pose* Poland and Prussia are just epic wins! My new favorite characters I think!^_^ I spent the night at my grandma's yesterday and watched a Hetalia marathon~ On my comp! But it still rocked!^_~ Anyway, I was planning to draw some fanart for my aunt! Better get started before I forget! Or Francis finds his way to my house again...=_= 'Til then!
