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Konnichiwa/Konbanwa people. Im Amber and Im 14(now 17) years old XD. lol well any way....my top 5 sexyie's are Ulquiorra Schiffer (bleach), L (death note), Sesshomaru (Inuyasha), Rolo (Code Geass), and Viral (Gurren Lagann)....im pretty random at times so...yeah just a warning you....oh and im trying to learn Japanese with rosettastone.... so thats a work in progress


wow, once again im sorry its so long lol

well theres a lot since like Thursday to type about so hold on XD. on Thursday i went on a field trip to see a live open hart surgery. it was so cool. no one got sick (sadly lol) every one was aloud to as the doctor questions while he was doing it. every one asked serious questions...but i didn't lol. i went up (im nervous around people i don't no so...took a while to get up there lol) and i asked "what does a hart feel like?" every one started cracking up, even the kids from the other school. the doctor said it felt like jelly but harder and really cold because it hasn't been beating for a while. then i said i wanted to poke it lol. he started poking it and told me to imagine i was lol. we also saw a video on a lung surgery and he squeezed the lung and it reinflated again XD (i hope thats a word XD) the only bad part was the bus ride there and back lol.it was soooo long...then we had Friday off and i just slept all day. i didn't get to go on because it was so cold at night lol. Saturday was fun to i guess. there was like a huge town-wide yard sale. me, Sarah, hope, ad Cody hung out....once again im sorry Sarah for that day....lol you hate Cody so bad XD. i wanted to go home and do my homework so bad after that but i couldn't get a ride home....and Sarah had left about time i found that out lol. so that night me hope and Cody hung out in town all night. it was fun but i wished Sarah-san had been there. but then again she would like kill Cody XD. it was cold so cody let me use his jacket *i still have it right now lol and hope is getting it on Friday XD) we walked around allot....then we went on top of this 3 story hotel thing. what sucked is that my worst fear is heights (turns out cody is afraid of them too lol) we got to the top and it was so cold...and wet...and high...i didn't even want to lay down on the roof i was so freaked out...it sucked kinda..the way down was worse....o man was it high.....and no don't look down..it sucks if you do lol. the only thing i could imagine was if it was winter time and the steps were all icy and i slipped....lol after that we left and hung out at the park...then we huddled for warmth while we waited for Cody's brother and his friend they ended up leaving for longer then they said so they can drink...ewww im so glad i don't do that...they even told us and after tried to lie....how dumb T_T we went to some guys house to warm up and it was like disgusting! there were bottles and crap every where. on top of that the guy who owned the house was drunk and got in a fight with some other guy. we went out to see but Cody said that me and hope should go in side because he didn't want us to get hurt or hear it..(see, hes not that bad sarah) then we got out of there lol. we ended up going up these scary stairs too. it looks so old and you cant even see up there in the day time. it turns out it lead to this old park like place..it was cool (once again i wish Sarah was there) at like 5 or something we got to cody's house. his door was locked and we tried to go into his window...that didn't work so we ended up knocking and waking up his grand mother. i slept in Cody's bed while he slept on a pull out bed and hope on this couch thingy (his bed was sooooo soft and like every thing was green) it felt so good to sleep but it took me for ever to. i was the last one to go to sleep and the first one up like always....we hung out in town some more and then i went home and like crashed lol. (wow this is a long post) then the next day i tried to meet up with Sarah and her per-aid but that didn't work. i ended up missing it by like a half an hour because i couldn't find my cloths and i take long showers. so i stayed in town some more that day with hope and Cody. it was odd hanging out with hope and not Sarah...i wanted to so bad lol. i ate so much that day...i didn't want to but i feel bad if i don't eat what people make me so....eww and there were these people at the park yesterday smoking pot.....so i told Cody i smelled it and he walked me and hope away until they left....i hate drugs so bad...like all my friends...its a good thing ^_^... now i have so much home work to do...i probably shouldn't even be on the computer but im a bad procrastinater (thank the lord for spell check lol) well any way.....i hope thats it for both your sake and mine lol. have a good day/night or what ever XD

another good weekend

my weekend was great! me, Sarah, hope,and Cody went to hope's dad's house for the weekend. it rained both days but it was still fun. on the first day i rode the dune buggy a little with hope and then Cody and Sarah shot me with a water gun. XD that thing hurts to lol. they got me in the ear too XD.then to warm up we went in the hot tub. me hope and Cody were up until about 1.Sarah fell asleep first, then Cody, then hope, then me. then i was the first one up lol and i had been up the night before that since 11 pm lol.we got water balloons and me and Cody rode on the dune buggy again. the mud kept shooting up in our faces and arms lol. the balloons where hard to pop on each other too. like before we went in the hot tub lol. at night we played man hunt. my vanns cant take running on wet grass. i slipped so many times. we played cards after that and Cody and hope passed out so i watched bleach and death note with Sarah. and the next day we went home. lol and thats about it....i think....but ill spare you (and my self) by not thinking to hard on what it is i might be forgetting.


lol hello! XD i just got done with the hitsugaya pic i have been working on. it took me awhile to do it because i dont like him XD I colored the eyes light blue but i dont no if it will show up when i scan it. like sarah's its for the same girls birthday. I think i like this on.....either its good,im out of an artist's slump,or its bad and its so bad i don't even know it.or it may be because im giving this one away.....typical.... well any way....this weekend me,sarah,and cody are going to hope's dad's house. I think were sleeping there but i don't no being that cody will be there XD i hope i dont have any home work....i wont be doing it if i do lol i dont feel like it XD.....me sarah and Christy (the one that im giving hitsugaya to) might be going somewhere soon too....lol NO YOU CANT NO WHERE!! XD jk ill tell you when (and if) we can lol. we need a ride there and Christy's mom is the only one to drive us (but ill pay for tickets) lol. its like 40 something miles away XD (screw gas prices lol)

this weekend (sorry its long XD)

lol this weekend was the greatest. on Friday me and Sarah got off the bus at Hope's house to hang out for my party. we went to the park with these kids to play with some water balloons XD. it was fun even tho it was raining. we went to a restaurant that was in town and played a game of pool. my uncle was there and i got 10 dollars from him and he is going to take me to Woodstock soon to get some more drawing stuff. then we went to hopes house for pizza and took one of the kids that we were hanging out with to eat with us (Cody) then my brother and billy came and i hate them.....they hit me like 14 or more times....then we went out for a walk in the night. my socks and shoes were wet so we took them to a laundry mat. there was no one in there and there were these baskets with wheels on them that we started to mess around with. me and Cody spun Sarah around in it XD it was fun. after that Cody went home and me and Sarah called her house to get picked up.before any one came to get us my dad was up from long island and went to the restaurant and gave me 100 dollars for my birthday. when we got to Sarah's house i slept right away. in the morning we went to Sarah's soft ball game at about 9 or 9:30. we took Hope and Cody with us. Sarah's team ended up loosing but i got to see Lawson while i was there so it wasn't a complete loss...for me XD.then we went back to Sarah's and hope and Cody stayed over for a while but hope had to go to her dad's house. Cody stayed and we messed around for a long time and watched bleach. at about 12 or 12:30AM he went home and thats about it, other then watching death note and what ever else until i fell asleep. we hung out with Cody for a day and a half and now hes like one of our best friends XD.oh and once again I'm sorry this is so long. i hope you read it all XD

0 more days!!!