lol hello! XD i just got done with the hitsugaya pic i have been working on. it took me awhile to do it because i dont like him XD I colored the eyes light blue but i dont no if it will show up when i scan it. like sarah's its for the same girls birthday. I think i like this on.....either its good,im out of an artist's slump,or its bad and its so bad i don't even know it.or it may be because im giving this one away.....typical.... well any way....this weekend me,sarah,and cody are going to hope's dad's house. I think were sleeping there but i don't no being that cody will be there XD i hope i dont have any home work....i wont be doing it if i do lol i dont feel like it sarah and Christy (the one that im giving hitsugaya to) might be going somewhere soon NO YOU CANT NO WHERE!! XD jk ill tell you when (and if) we can lol. we need a ride there and Christy's mom is the only one to drive us (but ill pay for tickets) lol. its like 40 something miles away XD (screw gas prices lol)
