another good weekend

my weekend was great! me, Sarah, hope,and Cody went to hope's dad's house for the weekend. it rained both days but it was still fun. on the first day i rode the dune buggy a little with hope and then Cody and Sarah shot me with a water gun. XD that thing hurts to lol. they got me in the ear too XD.then to warm up we went in the hot tub. me hope and Cody were up until about 1.Sarah fell asleep first, then Cody, then hope, then me. then i was the first one up lol and i had been up the night before that since 11 pm lol.we got water balloons and me and Cody rode on the dune buggy again. the mud kept shooting up in our faces and arms lol. the balloons where hard to pop on each other too. like before we went in the hot tub lol. at night we played man hunt. my vanns cant take running on wet grass. i slipped so many times. we played cards after that and Cody and hope passed out so i watched bleach and death note with Sarah. and the next day we went home. lol and thats about it....i think....but ill spare you (and my self) by not thinking to hard on what it is i might be forgetting.
