OM tripple G! (golly good gosh)

my mom got a call from my dad....... he wanted to no what dakota wanted for his b-day and also what he and i wanted for my mom said that dakota wanted a DS and some games and she could handle his b-day..... she said that i wanted Rosetta stone and that they could split the cost.....however, my dad didnt like that idea so he said "how about i get her that and you get her the wii and soeme games......and maybe a phone....." lol and my mom agreed! i dont care about the phone but the rest is heavnly!!!! and then dad was like "ok ill call them tomarrow (which is now today) and order it.....whats the adress and P.O box?" so that means im going to get it EARLY!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!!!!!so now i just need to check that he called and find out how long it will take to get her.... YAY!!!!!!......and about two weeks ago the THING got a flat screen TV for the living room...... and i just found out last night that there was more stuff he got that i didnt even hear about! turns out he got 2 flat screens (one is in there room) ans a F-ING X-box 360!!!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN!?!?!?! lol......i didnt go to school today either....i was soposed to have a dentist apt. but they cancled it on me......and i went with my mom cuz she was getting her nails done XD and then the girl wanted to paint my nails now there black but the pointer finger is white with green kinda like checker boarded but not quite.....but i love it XD....but i bet ill bight it off withen a few days yeah...... thats about it.......but i wish i could have gone to school cuz now im going to have a whole shiz load of crap to do over the weekend....... god in 3rd grade i never had to make any thing up after i was absent....even when i was sick for a whole week! lol....
