ok im going to try this again....

lol i just tried posting and my whole computer just froze or some thing XD well any way as i was saying....my Rosetta stone might be coming in the mail tomorrow....(cursed Sundays) (and that was where it phucked up....sorry god for disgracing the holy day) so any way....im going to see if i can bring my computer home....if i can then it might be a little while before i get internet there so.......o and i decided to draw Izuru Kira......but it sux that i still don't have Soi Fon up.......i hope to get him done soon tho.....ill probably procrastinate for days but i want to get him done before the month's end...speaking of which, what is today?.....o its onlt the 16th....i should have started Kenny then for his b-day......i thought it passed by now....o-well......hmmm well i guess that's it....o wait no its not! i went to the mall like last week...i got a death note calendar, a death note blanket, the newest bleach manga, bleach memories of nobody, and ummm...o and my Sesshomaru plushy! it was funny tho.....when i got home my mom was like "why didn't you get the Wii while we were there?" IT WAS SO NOT FAIR!!!!!! IF I HAD KNOWN SHE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN ME IT THEN. THEN I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT!!!!!! lol god!....o well....i guess its good that i didnt have to pay for the other stuff i got.......but my aunt has off for like 9 days and we might go sometime then.....so this time ill grasp at the opertunaty.....lol yay!!! then i can finally get bleach the shattered blade! lol ill love it!
