OMG! i watched the newest English episode of code geass! it was so sad! i love rolo now!!!!! lol o and i need to post about this vacation we just had from school.......well at first it was boring.... theni went and got a wii and bleach the shattered blade and smash brothers brawl........i didnt play the bleach game until i got to sarah's house.....but it was awesome! i love it so much......we were trying to get ulquiorra after Gin but we didnt...i just unlocked him last night......then sarah was playing and every god dam battle, she made a song! and they always had to lead to "caption battle" lol......o and we made a whole bunch of mii's theres ichigo, gin, ulquiorra, Hanatarou, a pimp dude, ishan, ichigo's sisters, ikaku, me, her, and a whole bunch i cant remember right now..... but we made this old lady and every time she came up in baseball we would say "I used to young" and then we made ummmmm lutenet of the 8th squad...i think..... and her saying was time is of the essance......god all this makes me see how dumb we really are.......and....o i went to the mall with jim to get sarah some X-mas stuff (she wasent there and that was odd) but we went to a barns and nobles and got some coffee. there was a guy and i told jim that he had to be a butt pirite.....he was like "maybe". then we got up there and he taklked to us and he was like "yeah i think your right" XD pudding packer..... lol....idk ud have to be there......o and also when i was at sarah-san's house.....I stayed up for 38 and a half hours XD it was fun.......yeah i think thats it...........
