lululu i got some apples....

ok well i just wanted to say that i will come back come......the next month or so.....i just need to catch up on some pics and w/e......yeah thats about it...... oh wait....i also have been going on an internet shopping frenzy and i got a ulqui plushy, the vincent nightmare frame, and im trying to get a little rolo figure but so far i have had no luck other than one place that sells the figures randomly so you dont no what one ur i guess ill just spend a million dollars there untill i get what i want.....ill be rolling in lulu's and suzaku figures in no time dosnt make sence tho....people say they hate Rolo, but the only one that they never have on ebay is rolo and the theing that every one has (but me) is one or even 2 of him....they say its for the locket but i don't think so....i think there all closet Rolo fans XD good! and don't worry sarah, I'll give you the extra lulus XD
