random, idiotic, useless posts here.
basically just a lot of gaming and complaaaaaints will be here.
oh, and name's whatever you come up with.
a, aru, magus, dude, bro, hey, you.
any name is fine!
as long as it's directed at me, whatever name is fine.
i also randomly subscribe to anyone, it's a past-time of mine.
when subscribed, just.. ignore me say hello or something. or shoot me a pm.
have a nice visit, and i hope i entertain you enough to come back.
so, like.
thanks to my previous xbox, i have a last.fm account.
i didn't realize it until recently.. but..
it sure can help a stalker.
i was all surfin' on it and whatnot, and was like, "wait.. it keeps track of the music i've been listening to?! D:"
that it does, fortunately/unfortunately.
i see that my top played artist is fall out boy.
well, yeah.. i know i listen to them a lot.. but, come on.
they come in at a whopping 9000+ plays.
maybe it's because i just happened to make a playlist of only their music.. and then i tend to leave my computer for.. hours and hours.. at a.. time.. -_-;
so, out of all those plays, the amount i've actually LISTENED to could number between 2000-3000.
i've had this account for two or so months, mind you. and there's always music playing.
(i'm terrified of silence, i don't do to well when it's quiet.)
thus the high play count.
and then, and then ha ha, the sixth most listened to "artist" on my profile is "pokemon music". xD
that might've been the one weekend when i was in complete pokenerd mode.
listenin' to the music from the gold and silver games. >.>
just wanted to rant incessantly about my last.fm, 'cause i found it all pretty funny.
oh, and if anyone wants to stare for a bit, and get a glimpse of what's playin' at my place, you can find my account here.
also, i have some videos waiting to be found (lost my camera) and uploaded.
so, after all the excitement waiting to happen today, i'll try and upload 'em. mostlyduodecimreplaystooselfconciousaboutmyguitarperformances. exciting.
and i got a haircut. :3
the ol' plume's back.
quick post.
have a new tumblr thing.
saw people talkin' about it and whatnot, so i figured i'd check it out.
i liked how it looked, and then i found myself making one.
ha ha!
well, it's right here if anyone wants to peek in on it.
i'll try to make it a regular thing.
unlike this one.
but, yeah.
there you go.
"Once you start second guessing, you're done for."
Woo for Dissidia Duodecim!
People may call it just a remake, and it may well be that.
But, I really don't care.
I have Dissidia and I still play that too.
Hands down my favorite Final Fantasy games, then comes IV.
But, Duodecim, dude.
I love it.
My friend loves it, too.
He and I have battle after battle when we see eachother.
Old-style classic Pokemon "Lock eyes" battling.
Prishe and Tifa FTW.
But, enough of the game playing.
Onto the main nerd attraction!
I'm also learning Final Fantasy themes on guitar. xD
I've already learned to play Tifa's Theme, and the electric guitar version of Why from Crisis Core.
Might as well just put the songs, in video form, up. For those who may not know.
Not the original, and I know people prefer that more. But, I like this arrange way better. So much so that I made a ringtone of it. 'tis on my phone. :D
And this song. I love this song. So much. I just love the guitar. I'm practicing this song my hardest. And, I might just upload myself playing it soon. It's not perfected, but I just want to show that I can at least get it down.
I might as well just make a montage video of various anime and video game songs that I can somewhat play. The Pillows, anyone?
I have plans now! So, if time permits, and I can get my hands off of Duodecim.
(Typing and playing? Yeah, right. No wonder it took so long to finish this. -_-;)
Then, I'll be putting some videos up.
I already have one video of me epically pwning my friend with Prishe.
I shall upload it in a while.
So, have a good night, morning or afternoon people.
I'll be seeing you soon enough!
Aru (thinking a name change, soon.)
That little battle I mentioned before.
I just wanted to get it out of the way.
I think I'll just use my youtube account for these Dissidia matches between my friend and I.
As we start getting better and better.
Complete n00b match, to be quite honest.
But, it was fun nonetheless.
I completely reamed him.
Took his hopes, if you see what I mean at the end of the video.
;wink wink.
But, yeah.
Well, I use Facebook.
Like everyone else, I bet.
But, every time I see something like this in the ads on the side.
My mind floweth over with sarcastic quips.
"I wasn't aware I could choose Charizard first."
"Oh, so I see he was playing that Chaos Black version."
".. THE F**K IS THAT?!"
";in a mocking voice; Oh, let's see. Should I pick Squirtle, Bulbasaur.. Or Charizard. Hard decision."
You get the point.
The other thing that made me laugh is the ridiculous amount of likes.
They probably used other pictures, or something else to get those peoples' attention.
But, come on now.
You can't expect me to like if you ignore details.
I'm a Pokenerd, you can't appeal to me by this kind of mistake.
Oh, I'm sure someone's thinking.
"But, you choose Charmander, which turns into Charizard. So, in a way, you can choose Charizard first."
It's true, yeah.
But, you choose CHARMANDER first.
Not Charizard.
Get. It. RIGHT.
This is one of the many reasons I'm starting to not like Facebook.
Bad advertisements, and the fact that everyone from Myspace is on there.
I got it to escape them.
Not to mention it changes practically every damn week.
Well, anyway.
More rage from me, I guess.
Now, back to Dragon Age 2.
Aside from all the apologies, and the mind probin'..
I'm bored. xD
Just sittin', watchin' some Cowboy Bebop, waiting for Durarara!! to come on.
Jupiter Jazz. One of my most favorite episodes of Cowboy Bebop.
"You think I'm Vicious?! You don't know what vicious is!!"
Spike proceeds to destroying.
Also gonna watch Hanasaku Iroha in a while here, most likely after Durarara!! and stuff.
Actually have a lot of anime to watch tonight.
Hidan no Aria, The World God Only Knows, Nichijou, Dragon Crisis!, To Love-Ru, and a couple more.
Honestly, I'm a bit behind on my anime. D:
Probably with all the game playin'.
Talkin' to people on Twitter, tryin' to set up some matches on CoD.
I swear, just because of E3, I started my Twitter back up again.
Lost a lot of people with my inactivity. xD
Well, I guess that's what happens when I leave it for a year or so.
I'm trying to get it going again.
So, if anyone has a Twitter, would you be so kind as to follow me.
Username is lame_ant.
Just tell me who you are, and I'll follow you.
But, Durarara!! is on, so I'ma watch that.
I just realized it took me a whole hour to write this short post.
Easily distracted.
Anyway, I'll talk to you all later.