long time.
usual blabber.
exit message.

yeah, most likely.
a friend of mine is now on here, so i guess i might as well get back to.. gettin'.
nope. failed. (referring to last post)
just played a lot of medal of honor (the new one), grew a small beard, hair's longer, and a new hat. an awesome new hat. AWESOME. maybe i'll show a picture of me in it.
well, that pretty much sums it all up.
so, anyway.
i'd like to welcome my friend, whose name will go unsaid, as long as he keeps the same deal. i can't remember his username at the moment.. but, i'll get it later.
what else..
and, hello again, otaku. ;D
Aru, Failure extraordinaire.
well, i'm not sure how else to put this..
but, i'm going to stop coming to the site for an undetermined amount of time.
if you want to keep in contact, or just want to start talking to me or whatever, i'll be leaving my IM services.
my msn is:
[email protected]
i'm going to try to keep that up for a while longer.
but, the one i'm trying to keep on the most is my aim account.
my aim screenname:
things came up that made me realize that i need to stop with my current bullshit and actually do something.
this'll be my second time attempting, but after i just got some news from someone i care about, i realized that i live too damn comfortably.
so, yeah. with those im services, i have 'em connected with my phone and whatnot.
so.. i'unno. i doubt anyone will even add. but, whatever. there were a couple of you that i got to know enough, and just thought you'd might want to keep in touch.
uhm'.. yeah.
have a good life, my fellow otaku.
and i'll probably be seeing you again someday.
Aru, Soul seeker.
For once, I'm not going to be all nice and friendly.
Seeing as it's that time of the year where it starts to get cold, which means I start to get cold.
I've been pretty sarcastic lately, and quite easily irritated.
I mean, people are starting to annoy me more. To the point where just looking at a person makes me want to throw a rock at them.
Unfortunately, my friends said not to be doing that anymore. So, I just throw a rock in my mind.
Also, I'm starting to get real annoyed with people who complain. I complain a lot, but it's about things like, "I'm hungryyyyy" or "Shut up, I'm tiiired", or the gem in it all, "I'm boooooored!"
.. and, obviously, when I get fed up with society.
But, the people I'm talking about are the ones who seem to complain about every little thing that either shouldn't even be their problem or could be solved with a word.
"My friend's friend's friend's cousin's boyfriend's mom's daughter's cat is sick, and I don't know what to do! *sob*"
Okay, that one's a bit drastic, but I'm annoyed. So, shut up.
Anyway, you complain about small stuff. Get over it. Not like the world's going to end.
.. Well, it's going to. But, why complain about that one celebrity who bought the wrong pair of shoes when you /should/ be complaining about how those same celebrities are destroying the earth, society, and various locale with their incessant need to be noticed.
Oh, oh. And not to mention these fuckin' douche-bags and their useless drive to complain about music. 'specially music that they know nothing about. "The Strokes suck, Aru, why do you listen to them?" "Have you ever listened to them?" "No, but my friend said they sucked." "*facepalm*"
Another are these asshats who stick to one genre of music like it's the music of the ages. Take these die-hard metal heads, or death metal lovers, whatever they call themselves. They say emo music/kids suck. But, being as I am, I listen to whatever music and sampled the music they claim to be "the fuckin' best music ever", yet, as I've heard, it's just violent emo music.
"In stasis, I rot away and dream
Dream of forgotten years
Dream of the touch of another's hand
I am to be a meal of starved worms
My nerves are twisting for the light of my salvation
I rest beneath where I remain as cold as clay
Eternal pain is swelling in my joints"
Now, that is The Black Dahlia Murder. One of the who-gives-a-fuck bands that a devoted metal lover recommended to me.
It screams *cutcutcutcut*. |:
Don't get me wrong, I do like that kind of music. But, not to the extent where I'm going to shove it up your ass and hope blocks of pure bliss come out.
Now, emos, oh ho ho. Don't think you get off scott-free.
I just have a few words for you.
Do it, or shut the fuck up. Your life sucks? Change it. /You/ make it how /you/ want, not how others "screw it up". It's not hard to give someone the middle finger and walk away.
Hell, I do it on a weekly basis. I used to do it more, but once again, friends advise against it.
But, I connect to "your music" better, and therefore, like it better.
Though I'm an indie guy. Still, not going to hope for those blocks of pure bliss.
There's a lot more people I can address in all this, but they don't annoy me as much as those two. Just have to say, open your mind, and stop complaining. Grow up, age can't be used for excuses anymore . My little sister has a better personality, and she's eight. Mostly because I teach her.. >_>;
Uhm'.. I think I'm done ranting. And many points probably haven't even come across. But, hell, I'm annoyed. I don't care.
I guess, on a happier note, one of my favorite bands /finally/ released a new single. Not going to elaborate that, 'cause it only matters that I love it. Don't need yo' opinion, bro.
Soooo.. seeing as I'm still raging, I'm going to take it out on some unsuspecting, helpless person.
Live however, people.
Aru, Asshat extraordinaire
No news as of late. Just a lot of blahblahblahblahblahblahblah.
Or.. like, you know that one sound that the teacher makes in Charlie Brown cartoons? Yeah, that sound. Let's go with that.
.. would that sound be spelled like "womp womp womp" or "bwambwambwambwam"? I think it's the "womp" sound, my friend says it's the other. I'unno.
Classes aren't really too hectic, only thing is that I had to drop two classes because of transportation issues. The people that said they'd "always" pick me up for classes; Yeah, they never came. As I predicted. 'cause this is, like, the third time they've done this to me. So, I got a -RELIABLE- ride to classes. Unfortunately, I can only get in on my Monday and Wednesday classes. The classes that were on Tuesdays were only electives, and I can learn more from the book than I can from the instructors (I'm not even joking), so I just dropped them.
Oh, and I've got enough work with the essays I have to write. I'm runnin' a bit behind, and I still need to finish about three more essays. Phew. At least it's fun.
I've been watching anime like crazy. (Reason I'm behind in class, maybe? :3)
I watched near ten or so (give or take) anime series the past couple of weeks.
Let's see if I can remember them. You know, I usually lose the title of one when I get into another one.
So, I can remember watching Asu no Yoichi, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, Asatte no Houkou, K-On!! (Finished season 2), Chobits, Casshern Sins, xxxHolic, Darker Than Black, Speed Grapher, Shakugan no Shana, Samurai Deeper Kyo, and I still need to finish The Legend of Legendary Heroes, and Seitokai Yakuindomo.
Good times. ;D
Yes! I've also been working a lot with music lately, too.
A friend of mine, he's really naive when it comes to music. So, I've been spending some time to teach him all about it. He said he wants to learn to play some instrument, preferably guitar or bass. But, how can he do that when he doesn't even know anything about music or its history, y'know?
I've been giving him the rundown of icons of music history, and the basics on guitar, and different styles of play. Unfortunately, I can only give him information on electric guitar, since that's the only thing I own. I know how to play bass, but I learned from my other friend. Who, of course, owns the bass guitar, not me.
Point being.
My time is being quite spent on learning, watching, and teaching. No time for games, oh no, sir. Or.. ma'am. Actually, there is some time for games.. as I've been playing Dragon Age: Origins on the side. Eheheh.. (I'm sure someone might've been like *facepalm*)
All work and no play makes Aru quite enraged and violent.
I've said my piece, I suppose.
Wait, no. I've also been learning a couple of songs. They're Slip Out and Moon On The Water (If you've ever watched BECK, you'll know), my two most favorite songs from the series. Going kinda good, I suppose. (Not really)
Okay, now it's time for me to cut this post off. Seeing as Seitokai Yakuindomo has finished loading. ;D
So, I'll bore you all some other time. Continue living!
Aru, Magus extraordinaire.