Hello, hello.

Heya, nice to meet you. How are you?
.. oh really. Well, that's good to hear!
Anyway, I'm Aru.
I'm an otaku, and though I'm a guy, I'm mostly into shojo anime/manga.
.. not really sure why.. action doesn't catch my interest as much, though I do watch it time and again..
.. er'.. anyway.
Besides anime and manga, I like music, video games, books, drawing, and spending time with friends.
Also, I like photography!
If I'm not watching an anime, or playing a video game, I'm usually out and about town with friends, taking pictures of people and scenery.
I'm not much of a big talker, but when someone starts talking about something I'm interested in, watch out. You'll have to awkwardly walk away or tell me to shut up about it.
Well, there's a summary of my interests.
Next time, I'll go into detail of what anime I like, music I like, video games, etc. And, when I come up with more things to tell about myself (my mind's kind of wandering towards anime at the moment..) I'll be sure to tell you all.
That's about it for now. Again, nice to meet you, and have a wonderful life.
Aru, Magus extraordinaire.
