At this time the hospital was usually filled with perfect silence. But it was disturbed by the sound of shuffling and squeaking.
Near was again on the move. Like his mentor, he didn’t sleep unless drugged. Now that he was toy deprived he viewed it best to use his night walking the halls checking on his friends at any time he wished. No hassle. No problem.
He pushed his way to Matt’s room. Just down the hall from his own room.
Matt was furiously punching the small buttons of his handheld machine. Its tiny pixel noises resounded in the otherwise empty room. Again his goggles were pulled down over his forest like eyes. His mouth a perfect line in his concentration.
Near smirked to himself as the next room he came upon was Mikami’s. The usually dark dressed man was sitting in a chair, ignoring the please on a nurse for him to get back in bed. In his hands was a rather dirty magazine he never thought someone of Mikami’s standing would be reading. Yet, there he sat engrossed in the rag sheet. Not heeding the nurse or the fact he was only dressed in a hospital nightgown.
Continuing on his journey the small albino finally came to the critical area of the hall. Peeking in he could just make out in the moon light the bed they had strapped his leader to. Tubes, needles, and breathing machines of all kinds were pressed to and into his precious skin. His injured eye was heavily wrapped in gauze. His once strait hair had been clumsily hacked away so he could be treated easier. Garbed in nothing but a towel, metal and bandages he looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. But, in a bad way.
He gently pushed the door open wider, slowly shuffling his way to the side of the metal contraption.
Mello’s body jerked. His good eye opening, resting on Near. He was too tired to move his entire head or to speak either. If he could speak at all; he really didn’t know. So he barely moved his hand hoping the small boy got that he was awake and paying attention.
Near pressed Mello’s fingers in his own. Then brought out Mello’s rosary for him to see. "I've brought it, Mello." Silly. But, it was the only thing he could think to say.
Mello’s eye went wide; he choked up at the sight of the gift he thought he had lost. Tears glistened in the gentle light, as Near put it in his hand. He held it as tight as he could. His treasure, his peace had been returned by the only family he seem to have in the whole world. He smiled as best as he could at Near trying to move the occupied hand.
“What?” Near whispered, watching said hand moving up and down. “What do you want? The rosary?” He sat contemplating the acts.
But the longer he waited the more desperate Mello became. He went from trying to jerking his hand, the tubes imbedded there flailing about.
“Calm down, Mello!” Near whispered hurriedly, “If you make too much noise, they’ll find and remove me! An then I won't be able to help.”
The tears were freely falling from his eye. Pitiful mewls coming from his throat. Then he lay as if he had been struck. His head facing away from Near’s worried face, softly moaning and weeping, his shoulders shaking with the force of his pain.
“What are you doing!?”
Near turned back to the door. An angry nurse, the same in Mikami’s room, stood there, her brow nit in a frown.
“He wants something!” Near exclaimed in frustration “I can’t figure it out! I don’t understand his actions!” He joined Mello in his tears. He felt simply awful for having failed in knowing Mello’s wants. For the first time Near had failed.
Mikami came in, followed by Matt. They stood watching as the nurse pulled Near away from Mello. "Whats happened?" Matt breathed out. He looked from the weeping child to the shaking body. "Has he gotten-."
“Ah! You two!” She breathed. She had obviously had enough of the two trouble makers for one night. Then a thought seemed to come. “Oh well. Take him out so I can help Nil.”
Near fought in his mentors hands, yelling apologies to Mello. Telling him he didn’t get it. Anything after that was incoherent. Near eventually stopped, allowing himself to be brought were ever they were going.
He didn’t notice when he was brought into his room or that he was laid and covered. All he could see was the face of a man. A man so ripped by anguish that he seemed lost to anything else. A man he had failed. There was no other word for it. He, Near, number one at Whammy’s, L’s successor, had failed. The boy who could solve the most difficult of crimes could not help his wounded friend. It was the most crushing feeling he had ever experienced.
“How outrageous…” He griped to no one. He then buried his white head in the sheets. He hoped his mind would discontinue harassing him, allowing his own kind of peace to win. He could hear the others talking, but didn't listen to them. All he wanted was for the knife in his chest to either leave him be or do it's worst. It didn't matter to him anymore.
"I think he's settled down." Mikami whispered to Matt. Who in turn nodded his agreement.
"Yeah. Poor, kid." Matt soothed the snowy curls that peeked from the covers. "This is all to much for him. When he arrived on our step, I was so happy." Matt shook his head solemly. "It was wrong. We should have sent him back." He felt Mikami put a hand on his shoulder and guide him up.
"No. He's strong." Mikami pulled the teen to the door."If he didn't feel safe he wouldn't be here." With that they left to get their rest.