A fragment of imagination with the infinite possibilities of what it could be.
This is my little blog.
I could write something deep but honestly I don't feel like doing much.
I'm lax but very festive so i doubt you'll hate me!
And Remember Opinions are Opinions.
I will post stories on here as well so keep a lookout!

I realized I never really explained who I am.
Lets get down to the basics.
I'm 14 and I love the colors Red, Black and purple. Yellow is way to happy for me and Mac and Cheese tastes like barf (along with Lasagna)
I like the ingredients but they tastes crappy together. (Maybe its the noodle shape cuz that can really affect a meal)
If you read my posts you'll figure out more about me
Sorry for the queer Intro but you get the point....

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... Oh Boromir...


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I <3 Tumblr

I found this on Tumblr. It's called: legolas by laura - The Motion Picture
It's intriguing and now an inside joke between me and a few friends.


So in first period, we made asymmetrical Christmas trees and strung organs on them. (Large intestines make great garland).

That is all.


You know

People said I was in a pretty good mood today but I think that was because I had about 4 hours to myself (hence I wake up an hour before I leave and It was a two hour delay and I woke up at the same time as always.) I was a little bit tired because I was texting Shayshay (shaymingirl)till past twelve and writing a fic to keep myself busy. But you know I just decided to do some stuff and watch mindless videos that I repeated to my friends (By voice because I'm just caveman like that) about 10 times (Before I wrote this it was 8 but during was two more)
Hey! I'm also one step closer to my love (I have a pathetic love life but yay for effort!) There was snow yesterday but it didn't last!

(Can you hear the pirates of the Caribbean music mixed into it? Lol)